

A lot of people have told me different names, so I'll put them all together somewhere.

The reason why I came up with this story is that I wanted to use it in a way that meant "I want to say something to you!", and the thought process was to go from you to you to you. So I agree with calling someone by name if you know who you're talking to.

[Promising comment from Sakaguchi]

"I've added another favorite to my library. It's not just a library, it's a live-rally event. I'm looking forward to being able to live with my favorite people just like at a rally!"


大阪出身、東京在住の現役大学生シンガーソングライター。 2017年7月、高校2年生にしてシングル「好-じょし-」でメジャーデビュー。 2020年2月よりTikTokを開始すると、弾き語りによるカバー動画を中心に話題を集め、現在のフォロワー数は約25万人。

A singer-songwriter from Osaka who currently lives in Tokyo. In July 2017, as a second year high school student, he made his major debut with the single "Kojoshi". Since starting TikTok in February 2020, it has attracted a lot of attention mainly through cover videos with singing and singing, and currently has about 250,000 followers.

The second day of "Live-Rally" in Osaka was a great success.The guest was my beloved Ai, who I admire as a musician and a woman. On an unforgettable Wednesday night, let's keep the mysterious connection between the Sakaguchi family and the Higuchi family a secret. Let us know what you think on #LiveRally ! March edition, only Shibuya left!



cold and warm

Sweet and non-sweet

which is good?

which is good?

Tell me what you like

In the same days

You gave me a choice.

I like you

So why don't you choose me?

So will you believe me?

つめたいのと あったかいの
