

Businessmen Yusaku Maezawa and Takafumi Horie attended a study session organized by the Liberal Democratic Party and criticized social media operators for their images and names being used in fake advertisements impersonating celebrities and soliciting investment. He called for concrete countermeasures such as regulations.

A joint study session held at the Liberal Democratic Party headquarters on the 10th was attended by businessmen Yusaku Maezawa and Takafumi Horie, who complained that their images and names had been used in false advertisements.

This problem is caused by a series of victims being scammed out of money by being offered false investments after accessing fake advertisements posted on SNS that use the names and images of celebrities without their permission.

Yusaku Maezawa: “Damage amounted to tens of billions of yen”



なりすまし広告 前澤友作さんと堀江貴文さん 対応策必要と訴え

2024年4月10日 21時44分 




欧米では規制の動きも 「犯罪起きたらプラットフォーム側が損をする仕組みを」

In Europe and the United States, there are also regulatory movements to create a system in which platforms suffer losses if a crime occurs.
