
🌹9時からのEテレ 🌹クラシックTV に桂場等一郎役⚖️ 💖松山ケンイチ


#Morning drama #Tiger ni Tsubasa Viewers


E-Tele #ClassicTV from 9:00 pm

Role of Toichiro Katsuraba ⚖️ Starring #Kenichi Matsuyama ✨

Mozart is on the table! ?

He also talked about his own parenting experience!

Please take a look 👀

#Shinya Kiyozuka #Airi Suzuki

In July 1972, Haydn stopped by Bonn on his way back to Vienna from London, and at this time Beethoven showed Haydn his works and was accepted as his pupil, and he moved to Vienna in November. Haydn was 60 years old and Beethoven was 22. ”

暗いほうが落ち着きます。I feel calmer when the lights are off and it's dark (lol)

Christian Gottlob Neefe, 1748年2月5日 - 1798年1月28日)は、ドイツのオペラ作曲家、指揮者、オルガニスト。


Christian Gottlob Neefe (February 5, 1748 - January 28, 1798) was a German opera composer, conductor, and organist.

Mr. Shinya Kiyozuka, who taught Bach's Well-Tempered Temperament, played No. 2 in C minor✨✨✨



Ah, that was fun

Thank you Ken✨

It's not that different from usual, but I still have to act as a host, so it's a bit embarrassing when someone I have a close relationship with in my personal life comes to the studio, haha.

