

Today's video

It's a topic of current events, but I'm very slow in covering it.

Regarding the Novelbright plagiarism scandal [pros and cons 55]


We are also looking for questions on Instagram stories



今回は騒動について・パクったと言われるLil Diva・Mintoについて調査しました。」

Yudai Takenaka, the vocalist of Novelbright, is furious that his band's songs have been plagiarized.

This time, we investigated the controversy surrounding Lil Diva and Minto, who are said to have plagiarized the song. ”

(What is homage?

Radiohead's songs are homages to The Beatles, right?)


🖊🖊🖊混同しやすい3つの言葉と「オマージュ」の違いについて見ていきましょう。 「パクり」は他人の作品を無断でコピーして、自分の作品として発表するものであり、オリジナルに対する敬意がありません。 一方、オマージュは、オリジナルから影響を受けた作品を作るに際して、敬意を払っているという点が異なります。2023/10/15

Let's take a look at three words that are often confused and the difference between "homage". "Pakuri" is copying someone else's work without permission and presenting it as one's own work, and there is no respect for the original. Homage, on the other hand, is different in that it pays homage to the original by creating a work that is influenced by it. 2023/10/15🖊🖊🖊
