
👑THE SMILE👑Just Eyes And Mouth👑

Look at you

Eyes and mouth

You only say the words

And then turn them 'round

No matter what the situation

Telling yourself this is nowhere


You appear now, then you disappear

You let it slide, letting it slide

 Noah Kahan 'Forever' Official Lyrics & Meaning | Genius Verified


Soon to complete your transformation

And beginning all this all over again

[Verse 2]

To be changing, always becoming

A traveler passing through

No one to worry about

No one all

There’s nowhere to be

Now my shadow of light in the dark

Someone I knew somewhere before


Soon to complete the transformation

And beginning all this all over


Through the glass

Just look at you

Your eyes and mouth











through the glass

look at you

eyes and mouth

you just say the words

and turn it around

no matter what the situation

I tell myself this is in the middle of nowhere, just let it slide.



Your transformation will soon be complete

and start everything over again

[Verse 2]

To keep changing, to always become

To continue, to be a passing traveler

Who is worried about that?

There's no one. There's no one.

There is no place to stay

Now, the shadow of my light in the darkness

someone knew from somewhere before

Ask a question

Who wrote “Just Eyes and Mouth” by The Smile?


Written By

Nigel Godrich, Tom Skinner, Jonny Greenwood & Thom Yorke

Mixed By

Sam Petts-Davies

2023年3月、ザ・スマイルはレコーディング開始から7週間が経ったことを認めた。[5] 6月、グリーンウッドはアルバムは3人バンドの限界内で制作するものであり、新型コロナウイルス感染症のパンデミック中に生じたアイデアの未処理の作業をまだ続けていると述べた。[5]

In March 2023, The Smile confirmed that they had been recording for seven weeks. [5] In June, Greenwood stated that the album would be created within the limitations of a three-person band, and that they were still working through a backlog of ideas that arose during the COVID-19 pandemic. [Five]

While most of Yorke's previous work, including the last Smile album, was produced by Nigel Goderich, Wall of Eyes was produced by Sam Petts-Davies.



(New and really beautiful)
