

(ken ken から急な流れ(笑))

I tried to see what disadvantages there would be if I didn't watch X for 10 days. There were only benefits


子どものSNS規制拡大 精神への悪影響懸念―

米 中道左派の与党・労働党に加え、保守系の最大野党・自由党もSNS利用への年齢制限導入に賛同しており、法案が提出されれば可決される公算が大きい。政府は650万豪ドル(約6億2000万円)を投じ、一定の年齢に満たない子供のSNS利用をブロックする技術の開発を進め、施行前に試験運用する計画だ。

The aim is to prevent sexual harassment through dating sites and other sites, as well as encourage participation in face-to-face play and sports. "I want to see kids leave their electronic devices behind and spend time on the football field, in the pool, on the tennis court," Albanese told public broadcaster ABC.

Expanding regulations on children's SNS; concerns about negative impact on mental health

In addition to the center-left ruling Labor Party in the United States, the conservative Liberal Party, the largest opposition party, also supports the introduction of age restrictions on SNS usage, and if a bill is submitted, it is likely to be passed. The government plans to invest 6.5 million Australian dollars (approximately 620 million yen) to develop technology that blocks children under a certain age from using social media, and to test it before it goes 、、、🗒🗒🗒

For some reason I feel relieved (lol)



顧客とのコミュニケーションの促進 SNSにはコメントやダイレクトメッセージなどの機能があり、顧客の意見を直接聞き取ることができます。リツイートなどを通じて生活者からリアルな反応が返ってくるため、生の意見を吸収

For companies, SNS has various benefits as a marketing method.

Promoting communication with customers SNS has features such as comments and direct messages that allow you to directly hear customer opinions. Absorb real opinions by receiving real reactions from consumers through retweets etc.
