

Focusing on books by Manabu Yuasa, etc.

There are rumors that the Indian version of Rubber Soul's "Norwegian Wood" has an overwhelmingly powerful sitar, so I actually got it and tested it.

The comparison target is the first British edition.

I thought it was just a joke, but the richness of the overtones of the Indian sitar is on a whole other level!

A special conversation while drinking Jack Daniel's has been released on Billboard JAPAN!

When I was playing at blues bars in Seattle, Jack was the one I always drank. Memories of alcohol!

ストライプとは、「縞模様」の総称。 縦でも横でも、斜めでもストライプに該当するが、日本語では主に縦向きの縞模様を指す。 横向きの縞模様は「ボーダー」という。 線の太さはさまざまで、細いほどドレッシーな印象、太いほどカジュアルな印象を与える。

TAIKING (Suchmos)

 × 柳沢進太郎 (go!go!vanillas)
