位置エネルギーを変換せよ / Convert your potential energy.

















We learned in physics that matter has "potential energy". Also, according to the law of conservation of mass, the total amount of energy remains the same, so the "potential energy" can be converted into "kinetic energy".

This also applies to our way of life. If "potential energy" refers to our current possessions, position, talents, experiences, environment, and destiny, and "kinetic energy" refers to our external influences and activities, then we already have energy reserves just by being alive, and all we have to do is think about how to channel it.

In this day and age, there is a plethora of information available on social networking sites, YouTube, and Tiktok. Before you know it, you're being bombarded with information about successful people, how to become a winner in life, and the glittering, fulfilling lives of influencers.

What happens when you do that?

We become impatient, thinking that we need to accumulate more positional energy, that we need to be higher up the ladder. The word "impatience" lacks a bit of objectivity, so we can call it "awareness".

Back to the principle again. We all have "potential energy" just by being alive. We were born into this world, we grew up to the point where we can recognize the words in this article, and we still continue to exist in this world, dealing with relationships, work, study, money, hobbies, hope, and despair.

That is enough for me to "have". If that's the case, then the first thing to do is to think about letting the energy flow outward, instead of rushing to accumulate it. This is because energy must circulate.

Being alive means that you are metabolizing. Blood is pumped out from the heart and sent back around the body. We eat and excrete. When it stops, it is not life but inorganic matter.

I believe that it is logical for life to circulate abstract energy, and that activities that are in harmony with the laws of this world will make people happy.

If we want to live comfortably, we must first think about letting the energy we have flow outward.

You have to convert your "potential energy" into "kinetic energy".

There are many ways to do this. You can use it to save people or to hurt them. It can be used for fun, for sadness, for healing, or for making people enthusiastic. It's your job to choose how to use it. If you can't decide for yourself, you can start with what the people close to you demand of you. It can be something that people in need in society are asking for, or it can be simply expressing what you have stored within yourself in some way.

You can't choose what kind of "potential energy" you have, but you can choose what kind of "kinetic energy" you want to convert it into.

That is the free will that we humans are given.

Whether you are successful or unsuccessful, whether you are happy or bored, this law remains the same.

Circulate your energy.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
