

Early invasive squamous cell carcinoma recurrence rates: A study examining surgical margins, tumor surface diameter, invasion depth, and grade of differentiation in 1296 cases over 9 years

J Cutan Pathol. 2019 Feb;46(2):111-116.

皮膚の扁平上皮癌は多彩である。そもそも発生部位が多彩であり、同じ皮膚でもしばしば場所により性質が異なる。解剖学的部位がことなるため、ステージングも困難である。そのため、AJCC 第8版では皮膚扁平上皮癌のステージングは削除された。なお、UICC 第8版では残っている。この論文では全身の皮膚扁平上皮癌、特に「早期癌」について再発因子を検討している。


Background: Invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is typically treated by surgical excision.
Methods: Consecutive SCC excisions were reviewed prospectively in a single Australian center from 2009 to 2017. Cases were examined for recurrence by histopathologic margins, microscopic tumor surface diameter, invasion depth, grade of differentiation, and anatomic site.
Results: Over 9 years, 1296 cases were collected. By grade of differentiation maximum average microscopic surface diameters ranged from 8.0 to 9.6 mm and maximum average depths from 1.3 to 2.5 mm. Minimum average histopathologic margins for well, moderate, and poorly differentiated SCC, respectively, were 1.4, 1.1, and 1.3 mm. Recurrence occurred in 1.7% of well (n = 18/1084), 1.8% moderate (n = 3/165) and 6.4% in poorly differentiated (n = 3/47) SCC. No recurrence occurred beyond a histopathologic margin of 3.5 mm for well and 2.5 mm for moderately differentiated SCC. Highest recurrence for well-differentiated SCC by anatomic site was the lip (7.0%) then ear (4.6%).
Conclusion: We found a recurrence rate of 1.0% for histopathologic margins of 1.5 mm with early well-differentiated SCC. The grade of differentiation and anatomic site had a larger influence on recurrence rates compared to the histopathologic margins. Poorly differentiated SCC and ear or lip sites require wider surgical margins.

Keywords: grade of differentiation; invasion depth; invasive squamous cell carcinoma; recurrence rates; surgical margins.

なお、それなりに再現性が高いかなど問題になりそうな内容であるが、1296 例の検討は単純に凄いと思う。切り出しに関しては 3 mm 厚で全割と本文中に記載されているし、計測は 0.1 mm 単位で行われており、質は担保されているかと思う。


3.高分化に関しては 1.5 mm のマージンが確保されれば再発率が 1.0%に抑えられる



 #病理医さのーと #病理診断 #病理学 #医学 #医療 #皮膚がん #皮膚扁平上皮癌 #皮膚腫瘍 #皮膚癌 #扁平上皮癌 #有棘細胞癌 #私の仕事 #いま私にできること


