
【The Royal Embassy of Cambodia】 Online Seminer Report

Hello everyone!
On March 13, we held an online seminar in cooperation with The Royal Embassy of Cambodia and got such a great opportunity to hear from H. E. Ambassador Mr. UNG Rachana’s.

We, Japan Asia Promotion Foundation Student Committee, hold a study tour in Vietnam and Cambodia every spring and summer. However, due to the pandemic, the tours in the summer 2020 and in the spring 2021 were canceled.
So, instead of the study tour, we held an online seminar as well as last summer.
I would like to introduce some parts of H.E. Ambassador’s presentation!

1. The contents of the online seminar

Firstly, the seminar covered the overview of Cambodia. Then, in the section of Cambodia-Japan relations, we learned how the relations between Japan and Cambodia were established. Not only those, a lot of aspects about Cambodia including culture, tourism, agricultural products and foods were introduced.
There was a lot of fascinating information on Cambodia that I did not know even though I have been to Cambodia twice, and the presentation motivated me to visit there again. Also, in the agricultural products section, I was surprised and happy to hear that H.E. Ambassador consumes Kurata-Pepper every day because we visited Kurata-Pepper on our study tour.
Lastly, in the Q&A section, H.E Ambassador kindly answered a lot of participants’ questions, even after the estimated closing time.

2. Conclusion

It was a rare and precious opportunity to listen to H.E. Ambassador’s presentation and I was able to learn a lot of things about Cambodia that I did not know so far. There are tons of fascinating things in Cambodia and I want to spread them through JAPF’s study tour.

Thank you for reading!