




  • 固定された記事


I confront the world with loneliness. The world is ruthless, absurd, indifferent to us, and plunge many good people into the bottom of deep wells, unleash many bad people in the field. I’m afraid of the day my beloved world bares its fa

    • 【読書日詩4】 ダンテ『神曲』

      地獄で再会した男は、白い背中をこちらに向け、岩陰で丸くなっている。火の粉に肌を焼かれるのが厭なのか、顔を地面に埋めている。願ったり叶ったりだ、あの厚かましい面を見せられては堪らない。立ち去ろうとして、ふと足を止める。人の背中というのは、あんなにも小さなものだったのか。 The man who reunited in hell curled up beside the rock with his white back facing me. He buries his fa

      • 【読書日詩3】 夏目漱石『坊っちゃん』

        親譲りの無鉄砲で子供の頃から損ばかりしている。人間は好き嫌いで動くものだ。論法で動くものじゃない。俺はこの不恰好な正義を親の墓までもっていく。頭で勝てない相手には、拳だって振るってやる。決して涙なぞ見せてやらん。俺が泣くのは、おっ母さん、あんたの前だけだ。 Because of my reckless personality, I've been losing since childhood. Humans move by likes and dislikes. It do

        • 【読書日詩2】 マン『トニオ・クレエゲル』

          最も多く愛する者は、常に敗者であり、常に悩まなければならない。幼年期には、愛の深さ故に、愛の不能に過剰に反応し、憎悪にも似た感情に囚われる。他者や世界を弾劾する破壊者が、内側から肉体の皮を破ろうとする。 The one who loves the most is always the loser and must always worry. In childhood, because of the depth of love, I overreact to the inab

        • 固定された記事

        LOVE OF A FLOG

          【読書日詩】 夏目漱石『夢十夜』

          死んだらどこへ行く、眠れぬ夜の闇に問う。もといた場所に戻る、生まれる前にいた場所に。なるほど一生など、一夜の夢のようなものか。返答すると、一人腹を叩いて笑う。音が闇にしみ入り、吐いた息が闇に消え入る。こりゃ随分と、寝覚めがよさそうだ。 Where do I go after death, ask the darkness on sleepless nights. "Return to the place you were in, where you were before

          【読書日詩】 夏目漱石『夢十夜』


          ”You must have been very young.” "I was no more than a child. But I forgot nothing" "You will forget. Life is like that. Everything goes in time. Memories blur, pain diminishes. I remember as one remembers a bird or a flower. She was the

          Truth INSIDE her

          "My emotions can't be worded" "You are neglecting to express in words" In conclusion, her fighting silence was right. She sensuously understood that there is something that cannot be expressed in words. We are all born from women. It is

          Truth INSIDE her


          I have all the characteristics of a human being, fresh, blood, skin, hair...but not a single clear identifiable emotion. Except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside me, and I don't know why. My nightly blood lus


          Through me the way into the suffering city, Through me the way to the eternal pain, Through me the way that runs among the lost. Justice urged on my high artificer; my maker was divine authority, The highest Wisdom, and the primal Love. Bef


          THE PROOF

          I remembered the book I had been intending to write since I was a young man. I wanted to become a writer, to write a books, that was the dream of my youth, and we often talked about it together, my sister and I. She believed in me, I also

          A hated muddler

          People love white. A neat, pure, homogeneous white. They try to paint the brown and muddy water surface seriously. When I find it, i'm driven the urge to thrust the order-breaking stick on the fictional and fraudulent white. The surface, i

          A hated muddler


          It's not easy to go out and have a job. Pick a beautiful rose blooming in the garden and deliver to the bedside of the grandmother who is sleeping with a cold in the house 2 blocks away... It is not such a peaceful and neat thing. Sometimes

          WHAT I DO

          Sorry, my 12-year-old self. To tell the truth, My ten-year-later self haven't been called a "genius" yet. Find, make an effort and bet...I realized it wasn't for me. I close my eyes and listen to his voice.How are you going to use me? Ev


          When I think about everything I can't understand why, I look at the grain field. The life of cereal is that of us. Because we are like grains. At least, we have to accept that we grows like a plant, sometimes doesn't go where we envisioned,


          12, L gave me silence. 15, L put a gray cloud over my head. 18, L made me seek meaningless love. 21, L sat quietly next to me who lost everything. I tried to live my life to escape you. But everything I wanted was away from me. L..., you a

          Nothing good will come of being involved with OTHERS.

          Fierce anger pushes the bottom of my belly. I was involved with others again. Others always give me anger and disappointment rather than joy. But at the same time, she is also others who gives me healing and hope. I can't live without othe

          Nothing good will come of being involved with OTHERS.