
File,5 私の好きな神社②森戸神社‐Morito shrine







At several pivotal moments and crossroads in my life, I have found myself drawn to shrines. Among them, the most significant was the Morito Shrine. It was almost too perfect to be a mere coincidence, and even now, it fills me with a sense of wonder.

About two years into my marriage, I began fertility treatments. While I wasn't in a rush due to my age, I was eager to have a child, and at that time, I was desperate. After a year of procedures like artificial insemination with no success, I decided to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF). As fertility treatments escalated, the financial and physical burdens increased, and I, who was generally carefree, found myself mentally overwhelmed. The IVF, undertaken with great expense and endured side effects of injections, ended in failure. Devastated, I decided to take a break from fertility treatments and, with my husband, visited an activity facility in Hayama where we could experience sea kayaking.

After half a day of relaxing in nature and enjoying kayaking, we took a stroll around the facility. To our surprise, there was a charming seaside shrine nearby. At that time, I didn't know the name of the shrine, but I always make it a point to visit shrines when they're around. Upon entering, I discovered something called "Kodakara-ishi" (a stone for fertility), and without much thought, I took one home (it was free at that time).

And then, a month later... unbelievably, I discovered that I was naturally pregnant the month following the IVF failure! Despite all the efforts and failures, it happened in a month when we weren't even actively trying. When I calculated backward, it turned out that the time I visited that shrine coincided with the fertilization period.

The shrine's name was Morito Shrine (Morito Daimeijin). I later learned that it was famous for prayers for safe childbirth and fertility, and considered a power spot. I am truly, deeply grateful to the deity of Morito Shrine, who blessed me with a daughter. It sounds like a lie, but it's a true story.

As a follow-up, after the birth of my daughter, I visited the shrine to express my gratitude and received another Kodakara-ishi (this time, it was not free). Then, a year later, I was blessed with a son. Visiting the shrine again for the birth of my son, I thought, if there's so much blessing, I should give one away. However, the friends I had in mind for the gift got pregnant consecutively, and the Kodakara-ishi had no recipients. Unplanned and not expecting a third child, four years later, I was blessed with a second son—what incredible blessings! The Kodakara-ishi still rests at home. Someday, we must all go together.
