




Storytelling is the emotional transfer of information (opinions, assertions, facts, data, ideas and arguments) through the introduction of a character, plot and conclusion.

Brand Storytelling: Put Customers at the Heart of Your Brand Story - Miri Rodriquez, p17
  • 主人公がいて、プロット(筋書き)があり、結末がある

  • エモーション(情緒・感情)を通じて伝わる、共感する

  • 伝えること(情報)は、意見、主張、事実、データ、考え方、議論など



… speak the language of empathy for the customer …
… I do business with and lead with my heart.

Brand Storytelling: Put Customers at the Heart of Your Brand Story - Miri Rodriquez, p2

… storytelling is all about empathy and inclusion.

Brand Storytelling: Put Customers at the Heart of Your Brand Story - Miri Rodriquez, p78


… the brand mission is the overaching thems of the story. …
… brand storytelling, the main goal is to showcase to your audience why the brand exists.

Brand Storytelling: Put Customers at the Heart of Your Brand Story - Miri Rodriquez, p10


Whether for work or play, Millenials, Gen Z and Gen Alpha approach brands as "individuals" and seek first to understand the "why" before they make a choice to befriend and invest time and money in them.

Brand Storytelling: Put Customers at the Heart of Your Brand Story - Miri Rodriquez, p12


I design stories around th universal framework:
Your Challenge,
How We Can Help, 
Call to Action. 
By keeping it simple and concise, it helps me frame the story where the audience can geneuinely feel …

Brand Storytelling: Put Customers at the Heart of Your Brand Story - Miri Rodriquez, p215


Stop looking for the big story, and instead, go back and find the small moments that began the tale. When you knit those moments together, the story then finds you.
--- Park Howell, advertising industry veteran and owner of Business of Story

Brand Storytelling: Put Customers at the Heart of Your Brand Story - Miri Rodriquez, p228

