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聴くべきポッドキャスト ライフキットと最高のライフハックポッドキャストMatthew Girard More Content Now



子育てから引っ越し、写真の整理まで、NPRが制作するポッドキャスト「Life Kit」は、リスナーに人生の整理に役立つツールを提供します。各エピソードは20分程度で、専門家による最良のアドバイスについてのディスカッションを収録しています。最近のエピソードには、"What To Tell Kids When They News Is Scary", "5 Steps To Saving Money On A Move", "How To Make A Hard Decision "があります。

検索: https://www.npr.org/lifekit

10 Bestest

ホストのKaren McFarlane HolmanとBrian Hartは、あなたの生活をより快適にするための世界で最もクールなものをキュレーションし、リスナーに伝えることに時間を費やしています。このポッドキャストは、リスナーが人生のさまざまな側面を向上させるための新しいことを学ぶための凝縮された方法です。ガジェットから書籍、アプリ、哲学まで、ホルマンとハートは各エピソードで10のクールなものに取り組んでいます。最近のエピソードでは、"ファスティング、サステナブルヘンプ、マッピングの無知などなど!" "ベストオブ2020"、"もっと良い料理人、デザイナー、チェスプレイヤーになろう!"などです。

検索: https://bit.ly/3onMWV6

アップグレード by Lifehacker


検索: https://lifehacker.com/c/the-upgrade


アリ・マイゼルがホストを務めるThe Less Doing Podcastは、リスナーがより少ない労力で、より多く生きることを支援します。マイゼルは、より効率的に、より多くの時間と自由を生み出し、好きなことをするための戦略を提供します。また、ゲストや専門家を招き、彼らの個人的な戦略を共有することもできます。リスナーは、生産性を向上させるための新しいアプリ、ツール、テクノロジー、習慣、アイデアについて学ぶことができます。最近のエピソードには、「Keep Moving Forward」、「Unleash the Team」、「Constraints」などがあります。

検索: https://lessdoing.com/


Podcasts to Listen To: Life Kit and the best life hack podcasts
Matthew Girard More Content Now

A life hack is defined as any trick, shortcut, skill or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in any walk of life. When most people think of a life hack, they think of tricks to fold a fitted sheet or using a carabiner to haul several bags of groceries into the house. To learn even more helpful tips and tricks to make your life easier, here are a few life hack podcasts to listen to.

Life Kit

From parenting to moving to organizing your photos, the Life Kit podcast, produced by NPR, gives listeners tools to help get your life together. Each episode is about 20 minutes long and features discussions with experts on the best advice available. Recent episodes include "What To Tell Kids When They News Is Scary," "5 Steps To Saving Money On A Move" and "How To Make A Hard Decision."

Find it: https://www.npr.org/lifekit

10 Bestest

Hosts Karen McFarlane Holman and Brian Hart spend their time curating the world’s coolest things to help make your life easier and then pass them on to the listener. This podcast is a condensed way for listeners to learn new things to enhance various aspects of life. From gadgets to books to apps to philosophy, Holman and Hart tackle 10 cool things in each episode. Recent episodes include "Fasting, sustainable hemp, mapping ignorance and more!" "Best of 2020" and "Be a better cook, designer, chess player and more."

Find it: https://bit.ly/3onMWV6

The Upgrade by Lifehacker

Hosts Alice Bradley and Jordan Calhoun help listeners make their lives a little better. Along with all-star guests, Bradley and Calhoun tackle topics such as happiness, how to buy a TV, how to be less bad with money or how to date. Recent episodes include "How to Hack Happiness with Gretchen Rubin," "How to Get Over Yourself with Mark Epstein" and "How to Get Your Kids Into Reading with Alvin Irby."

Find it: https://lifehacker.com/c/the-upgrade

The Less Doing Podcast

Hosted by Ari Meisel, The Less Doing Podcast helps listeners do less and live more. Meisel offers strategies to become more efficient to create more time and freedom to do the things they love. Meisel also invites guests and experts to share their personal strategies. Listeners can learn about new apps, tools, technologies, habits and ideas to improve productivity. Recent episodes include "Keep Moving Forward," "Unleash the Team" and "Constraints."

Find it: https://lessdoing.com/

