

"The blog that raves about nerdy topics in the heart of Saitama".


Musashi Owl's masterpiece animation "Gundam 00 ~ 1st season ~"#5


Tieria Arde


One of the best-loved characters in the entire Gundam series was "Tielia Arde". (´∀`*)ウフフ


Therefore, he thinks that the main character of the story should usually be introduced, but Musashi Owl will dare to introduce from "Tieria Arde".


In fact, it seems that there were many female fans of Tieria at the time of the Gundam 00 broadcast and after the broadcast.


Perhaps, the Tierrier's neutral and neat appearance, and the behavior that boldly challenged the fight for the organization, might have caught the hearts of many female fans, Musashi Owl arbitrarily analyzed .


However, Musashi Owl is a male, so it doesn't matter how he looks.


Rather, Musashi Owl was originally, to be honest, he didn't like him .  Because Tieria has an irreverent attitude and makes a prickly remarks to others.


But now, I really love his character.


At least in Gundam 00, as long as he exists, he doesn't become to like other characters the most.(´∀`*)ウフフ


From the next time, Musashi Owl will post on the reasons why Tieria became his favorite character and what he did in his work.


For that reason, he posts a little more.

to be continued...

see you
