

"blog that keeps shouting nerd-packed information in the heart of Saitama".

【アウルの正直さんぽ ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ2~イルとルカの不思議なふしぎな鍵~編】

【Owl's honest Walk-Dragon Quest Monsters 2-Mysterious Mysterious Keys of Iru and Luka-】


To the final decisive battle


The next is the final boss.


I went to "The World of Inner Trees" and headed to the final boss of the game.


It seems that there are still many monsters that can be associates.


Actually, I have thought that I want to raise "Kamille bidan" to the highest level ...


I have already wanted to challenge the final battle with the "Darvish Yu" and "Hideki Matsui" parties.


The name of the final boss is "King of the darkness in between".


Of all the bosses so far, he was still strong.


However, without being able to play "Hideki Matsui", one "Darvish Yu" has successfully defeated the "King of Darkness"!! 88888888(*^▽^*)


But the battle wasn't over yet ...

to be continued...

see you

