
きりしまコンポストプロジェクト レポート

Kirishima Composting Project Report



It has been almost a year since we, Hiyori Nursery and Hinatayama Muku shokudo, stopped disposing of food waste.

The method we learned from Mr. Kamoshida of Kamoshida Farm to make "fully matured compost" is divided into three major steps.


three major steps to make compost.


The base of the compost is made by mixing fallen leaves of autumn-leaf trees gathered from the neighborhood, rice bran and rice husks (we sometimes use wheat fusuma from Marmamen Kobo), which are provided by farmers, and soil from the rice field in a certain ratio to adjust the moisture content, and then put it in a flexible container bag. Then the next day, fermentation begins and the temperature rises to nearly 60 degrees C. We mix it once every few days. after about a week, the temperature of the compost base, which was over 60 degrees C, gradually drops and when it reaches the same level as the outside temperature, the compost base is now ready to be used.



二次処理は、一次処理品に米ぬかや田んぼの土などを混ぜて水分調整をします。この二次処理がなかなか大変(笑 ※堆肥舎を作ればだいぶ楽になるらしいです)。約1tの堆肥を定期的に切り返します。

The primary process is to add more and more food waste to the compost base. When the food waste is mixed into the compost base, the temperature rises quickly again the next day, sometimes exceeding 70 degrees Celsius. This process is very important because the temperature rise in this process kills harmful bacteria, weeds, and seeds of vegetables and other organisms. Fermenting organic matter to a certain temperature in this way kills microorganisms such as Escherichia coli, which can cause food poisoning, and makes it possible to produce safe and secure vegetables.

In the beginning, we were given a guideline of how many kilograms of food waste to put in in relation to the amount of compost base, and we weighed our food waste every day and put it in, but after a year of continuing to do this, we began to find that the compost base's processing capacity was reaching its limit. We stored some of the primary processed product (it doesn't smell bad at all!). When it reaches a decent amount, the next step is secondary processing.

In the secondary processing, rice bran and rice field soil are mixed with the primary processed product and we adjust the moisture level. This secondary processing is quite tough (laugh *I hear it will be much easier if we build a compost barn). we need to stir about 1 ton of compost in a regular basis.




Although it is hard work, it is a good team-building activity. The team members, including MUKU Shokudo, Hiyori Nursery School, and sometimes even Marmamen's Mr. Masuda, work together, saying "It was really convenient to put food waste in a bag and throw it away! Just when we were getting tired, the teachers from Hiyori Nursery School brought us delicious tea and snacks.

What modern people have lost in exchange for convenience in various scenes of daily life may be found in such seemingly troublesome things.


What can and cannot be returned to the soil in primary processing


Items that are not returned to the soil in the primary processes are, for example, eggshells, chicken bones, the devil's skin of chestnuts, and corn cores. Of course, plastic, rubber, wire, etc. will remain in their original form.








However, corn cores, eggshells, and chicken bones all return to the soil in the second process. I think it is a very good activity to be able to experience this kind of circulation in our daily lives with the preschool children. I feel a bit disappointed that plastic is thrown away after only one use, or that plastic is used when we know that it will be thrown away after only one use.


Vegetable cultivation experiment

The compost we made last time was submitted to an ingredient test and certified as "well made," and we immediately started using it at the fields of farmers cooperating with Muku Shokudo and at the field of Hiyori Nursery School.


In both photos, the row on the left has been plowed with 3 liters of compost, and the row on the right has been plowed with 5 liters of compost. The same seed was sown on the same day.

Yuichi Sensei of Hiyori Nursery School has been leading an interesting experiment in vegetable cultivation with the kids. How can we use our own compost to produce delicious vegetables?




There was a clear difference in growth between 3 liters and 5 liters. They are still at the stage of thinning greens, but there seems to be a clear difference in taste as well.

Which will eventually become the tastiest vegetables? The fun continues.

