
I'm loved

This year, I had a lot of fun with Sydney Smash.

I have a lot of memories that I can't count.

This article is just written my memories, but also like messages for Ausmash.

I’m happy if you read it all.

My First Tournament

I remember my first tournament in Australia clearly.  It’s on 10th April.

I’ve looked for Smash tournament very hard, but Google showed me only Smash Anime event.

Finally, the tournament I found was Super Barista Bros.

Then I immediately registered for SBB, and I went to the cafe on Sunday nervously.

When I got there, Aboroza and Kanga were there.

I thought all of Sydney Smashers is very big like them at that time.

On that day, Aniki taught me Boof head which is my first Australian slang.

After the tournament, I was invited for dinner.  It was so good.

I'll remember my first tournament in Aus

Keeping going to tournaments

I don’t know why, but yall got on well with me who can’t speak and listen to English well.

However, thanks to yall getting along with me, I had a lot of fun.

And I could belong to BKB, and we went to Brisbane and Canberra, and we went to eat out many times.

The 2nd Best Yink in Aus?
No, Hoop and I are the best Yink!

2 Stooges kidnapped me to the gym.  At first, I didn’t like the gym, but I've gradually liked going to the gym because I've noticed that my mog was getting bigger.

I'll lift up this definitely

In September, I started going to some other tournaments, including Epping, Offstage, and C’town Beatdown.

Therefore, I've got a lot of friends and they told me a lot of things.

I've been always happy in Sydney.

Phantom 2022!

Following Twitter Each Other

One day, the number of people who follow me on Twitter increased very much.

I didn’t know why they followed me, but I was happy.

In mid-November, a few people said they are big fans of my Twitter.

I didn’t know why they said that, but I was happy.  I thought that is joking at first.

In the last Okay this is Epping in 2022, I got the best Twitter award in 2022.

Twitter could be one of the reason that we became friends.

We lived in a good era.

Thank you for reading my tweet
Okay this is Epping

Time to go back to Japan

Many of my friends in Australia get sad because I return to Japan today.

I’m so sad as well, but I’m happy just a little bit.

I noticed that I was loved by you all because you all got so sad for me.

Though I came here to study English and different cultures, I found more important things.

I received a notepad.  My treasure.

Nothing is better than this

I cried at a bus stop, reading this.

Thank you so much.

See you one day

Time to say goodbye.

I know you guys might forget about me gradually.

It’s not bad, because it’s human.

But, if you’ll remember me once a month, once a year, or once a decade, I will be happy.

I’ll come back to the place of Sydney Smash as a trip one day.

Thank you for letting me join Sydney Smash.

Thank you for giving me a lot of memories.

See you!
