
[konekoのおもちゃ箱] 英訳化プロジェクト⑪ A Morning glory and a kitty (fairy tale)

When a kitty, who got up early,
was taking a walk,
he met the flower morning glory
that was blooming well.

"Wow, it's a beautiful flower."
The beautiful purple morning glory
growing straight toward the sun.
All the shiny green leaves are really fresh.

The morning glory said
in a well-passed voice.
"Good morning, kitten.
It seems like a good day today."
I'll take a walk, stretching my spine like you."

Kitty imitated the posture of
the morning glory.
He stretched his spine and
walked with his full power.

In the evening of that day,
the kitty went to Mrs. morning glory again.
He just wanted to say hello her.

However, Mrs. morning glory,
who was so fine in the morning,
was drooping helplessly.

The flowers that should have been
fully open at that time
are completely wilted now.

"Hey! What happened to you,
Mrs. morning glory?
Are you alright?"
The kitty cries out
and tears burst from his eyes.

"It's okay, so don't worry.
Come back to see me again when
the summer is about to end."
Mrs. morning glory said in a small voice,
almost inaudible.

The kitty wipes tears and replied,

"Yeah. Okay. I'll come to see you again
by the end of summer."

"If you see a scale of fish in the sky,
it's a sign of late summer,
Be sure to come see me. "

"I look at the sky every day.
I love fish, so I will definitely find a scale."
Mrs. morning glory had no power to answer anymore.

After that, kitty looked up at the sky
day after day.

Then, one day, he found a white scaly cloud
all over the deep blue sky.

"It's the signal for the end of summer!"

The kitty ran and went to
Mrs. morning glory.

However, there wasn't the
beautiful purple flower anywhere.
The kitty looked around and around.

The green leaves
that were shining like fresh water
became brown.

There are brown star-shaped badges
here and there,
and some round things are
attached to them.

"Kitten! You came here as promised."
"Yeah. But I can't see flowers."
"Yes. In stead,
you may see some brown stars.

”Take the round one
that's attaching in the middle of the star."

When the kitty stretched his hand gently
and picked it up,
a small round thing popped and
a black kernel appeared from the inside.

"Wow, there are six."

"These are my seeds. I'll be gone soon
when the cold wind blows,
but remember me
when you see these seeds."

"What? Are you going to disappear,
Mrs. morning glory? I feel lonely."

"I'm just going to take a rest for a while,
so you don't have to feel lonely.

I'll see you again when the cold winter is over
and the sun starts dazzling."

"I can see you again!
Are you sure about it?
Looking at these seeds,
I remember your beautiful flowers .
and also about the star badges."

"Then I'll see you next year."
"Yeah. See you later."

The kitty put the seeds in his pocket
very carefully.

After that,
like the Mrs morning glory
that bloomed beautiful flowers,
He stretched his spine
and started walking energetically.

The end-2856 letters

日常と非日常を放浪し、その節々で見つけた一場面や思いをお伝えします♪♪ そんな旅するkonekoを支えて貰えたなら幸せです🌈🐈 闇深ければ、光もまた強し!がモットーです〇