
【佐賀時間.jp】第4回 石垣が語る豊かな過去:唐津城の歴史紀行










Visiting Karatsu Castle was an experience that went beyond merely admiring beautiful scenery or magnificent architecture. The deep history of the castle and the stories of the people who lived there left a profound impression on visitors. Located in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture, this castle, also known as Maizuru Castle, is beautifully situated by the sea, quietly overseeing the history of the land.

The first lord of the castle, Terazawa Shima-no-Kami Hirokata, played a crucial role in the construction of Nagoya Castle and the Korean campaign. His historical background and the stories of the successive lords narrate that Karatsu Castle is not just a building but a living piece of history. Terazawa, after being enfeoffed with the land of Karatsu, spent seven years constructing the castle, undertaking major renovations of the Matsumura and Kanda rivers' estuary parts. The construction of this castle involved the cooperation of various clans from Kyushu, including the Satsuma and Higo clans, and the stone masonry skills of the Anōshū.

Successive lords, starting with the Terazawa clan, followed by the Ōkubo, Matsudaira, Doi, Mizuno, and Ogasawara clans, each contributed to the development and prosperity of Karatsu domain. They implemented policies appropriate for their times, including the promotion of education and industry. Notably, during the Doi era, efforts to promote education and local industries led to significant economic improvements in the Karatsu domain.

The stone walls of Karatsu Castle are not only a highlight of its beauty but also have intriguing technical aspects. Said to have been constructed by the Anōshū, who were involved in the stone wall constructions of Azuchi and Nagoya Castles, their exceptional skills continue to fascinate visitors today. Moreover, stones bearing the Shimazu clan crest of Satsuma can be found in the castle walls, signifying that Karatsu Castle was built with the assistance of Kyushu's various lords.

Visitors to Karatsu Castle can feel the romance of history that bridges the past and present through its stone walls and the castle tower. Walking through the castle, one can almost sense the breath of the people who once lived there, touching upon the history at every turn. Karatsu Castle serves as a precious site that conveys the lives and aspirations of the warriors who built it.

Furthermore, the charm of Karatsu Castle extends beyond its history. The view from the castle offers beautiful scenery across the seasons, providing visitors with peaceful moments. In particular, the view of Karatsu Bay and the stretching Niji-no-Matsubara pine grove beyond symbolizes the area's natural beauty. Karatsu Castle and its surrounding nature present a harmonious blend of history and nature, compelling visitors to return.

Once you visit Karatsu Castle, you will be captivated by its beauty and the depth of its history, making you want to visit again. This castle is a valuable cultural heritage that conveys the romance of history to the present day, offering rich experiences to all who visit. Karatsu Castle stands as a bridge between the past, present, and future, becoming an unforgettable presence for everyone who visits.
