
本当に思っていることを、声に出して|世界のフェミニズム・インタビュー「MIMOSA VOICE」

いろんな国の人にフェミニズムについて聞いてみたい!そんな想いから、「MIMOSA VOICE」という連載名で、世界中の人にフェミニズムについてインタビューをする連載マガジンを始めました(不定期)。






Regarding the gender gap, what situations or events in your daily life make you feel uncomfortable or angry?

I want to share your voice with the world.What are your thoughts and opinions on gender issues and feminism?

What kind of future do you want for the next generation?






























私はありのままで美しい。 私にとって他人の意見は重要じゃない。自分の体について自分がどう思うか?それが最も重要なことなの。


たとえ誰もがあなたを好きにならなかったとしても、あなたを内面と外見の両方から魅力的だと思う人はすでにいるわ。 自分を悲観しないで、まずは自分を受け入れてほしい。




ありのままのあなたを愛してくれる人が常にいる、あなたをサポートしてくれる人、味方になってくれる人がいることを忘れないで。 そういう人たちと共に生きる人生を大切にしてほしい。










自分の幸せを他人と比べたり、他人を羨んだりしないで。 あなたがしなければならないのは、自分の幸せに集中し、自分を幸せにすることだけ。



*English ver*

Voice out what you want to say | World Feminism Interview Series “MIMOSA VOICE”

I want to ask people from various countries about feminism! With this in mind, I have decided to publish a series of articles (on an irregular basis) in which I interview people from all over the world about feminism under the series name "MIMOSA VOICE."

We will prepare three questions regarding feminism and ask people of various nationalities to answer them.Each person's values are different. Different nationalities have different ways of thinking and opinions.

However, I started this series because I wanted to visualize a world where everyone has the same goal: to create a society where everyone can live freely in their own way, without being bound by masculinity or femininity.

I would be happy if you could hear the voices of friends who view differences in an interesting way, nod to words they can empathize with, and work together to create a happy world.

<Question details>

Regarding the gender gap, what situations or events in your daily life make you feel uncomfortable or angry?

I want to share your voice with the world. What are your thoughts and opinions on gender issues and feminism?

What kind of future do you want for the next generation?


Nationality: philippines

──── Regarding the gender gap, what situations or events do you feel uncomfortable or angry about on a daily basis?

I get angry when I see people trying to drag women down just because they're women.

``Women can't do it'' ``I'm worried about being a woman'' ``Are women really capable of working?'' ``Why are you so obsessed with working when you're a mother and raising children?''``When a woman gets married and has children, she saves her job, so she is not entrusted with important work.”

Such social pressure is limiting the potential of women and nipping the potential of girls in the bud. This reality makes me angry.

Because women should be able to do the same job as men.

Why do you think women can't do it?
Why can't it be left to women? Is it the woman's fault?

Women are human beings just like men. If she is oppressed, her heart will be hurt, and if her existence is disrespected, she will lose her confidence.

Therefore, I hope that many problems will not be attributed solely to being a woman. If it becomes normal for women to give up on something because they are woman or because they are a woman, women will feel as if being born as a woman is a bad thing.

Patriarchy (a social system in which men are primarily in a dominant and privileged position) still exists in the Philippines. Women are told to get married, take care of the house, and raise children rather than get an education or work. In other words, there are still families that insist that women should support men who work outside the home.

But, if we want to work, we should work.
If you want to study, you should study.

Women who have doubts will say "I can't do it because I'm a woman," but women who have confidence will say "Even a woman can do it". The same thing with men who says "I can't do it because I'm a man," but with confidence they can say "Even a man can do it."

I think if society changes like that, everyone will be able to live happily ever after.

"I wish I was born a man instead of a woman" "It's hard being a woman"

I think it must be a sad thing to live in a world where there are women who shed tears like that.

────I want to convey your voice to the world. Please tell us your thoughts and opinions regarding gender issues and feminism.

We should be the "First Penguins". Stand up for yourself and raise your voice. I think we should have the courage to face the issues of gender and feminism, express what we really feel and believe to the world.

If one person stands up, the second, third, and so on will follow. The world needs women who stands up for themselves.

Of course, it's not easy. Fear may paralyze you. You may receive criticism or unpleasant comments. There may even be people who don't like you.

But, no matter how good a person is, he can't be liked by everyone, right?

My profession is an English teacher, and I meet students with different nationalities. Among them, many students like me but, there are also students who don't. But that can't be helped. There is no teacher who is liked by everyone.

What's important this time is on which opinion to focus with, “negative” or “positive”?

If you raise your voice in the world, there will be people who will criticize you but, if you have the courage to express what you really feel, you can be sure that there will be people who will support you.

Look to the people who support you.
Just listen to the voices of those who support you.

You don't have to worry about those people who give you aggressive opinions or criticize you one-sidedly because the most important thing is to develop unwavering confidence within you. Stay away from people who undermine your confidence and don't let others break you down.

Also, don't worry about pressure from others or society about your appearance. Today, I'm not wearing any make up but, I'm beautiful. I myself am very beautiful. Even if other people don't agree. My skin is brown and there are hairs on my arms, look! (she rolls up his arms to show me) I haven't shaved.

So, I will distance myself from people who say this is ``wrong'' or ``not beautiful.''

I'm beautiful just the way I am. Other people's opinions are not important to me and what I think about my own body is the most important thing.

If you can accept yourself and are truly satisfied, you can feel happy no matter who you are. I can see myself as I am and not feel stressed.

Even if everyone don't like you, there are already people who think you're attractive, both inside and out. Don't be pessimistic about yourself, I want you to accept yourself first.

As we age, we all experience sagging cheeks, sunken eyes, age spots, and wrinkles. These are normal so, don't let someone else's curse kill you.

There are days when I feel negative. If you tell the truth, you may be criticized. Sometimes you can't get others to accept you and sometimes people dislike you because you are who you are.

But, that's their problem, not yours because, you're just honestly expressing yourself.

Remember, there is always someone who will love you for who you are, just as you are, there are people who will support you and people who will be on your side. I want you to live a life that focuses on those people.

By doing so, you will naturally develop self-confidence.

To gain confidence, change your mindset. Be your own first penguin

We can stand up and walk. We can go wherever we want to go. We can stop crying and start a new morning again.

Even if I feel frustrated, I will turn that frustration into motivation and continue living. When someone says something unreasonable to you, say, "Well, you think so but, I don't think so."

This is what I do to maintain my confidence.

────What kind of future do you want to leave for the next generation?

Whether to work or not, get married or not and to give birth to a child or not, there are many choices in this world, but I think the most important thing is whether you can accept yourself, be satisfied with yourself, and live your life feeling happy.

Actually, I have no plans to get married and have no desire to get married. I consider myself a strong independent woman and I am satisfied with my life. I sometimes feel pressure from society and peer pressure to get married, but as long as I'm happy and satisfied with my life, that's fine, right?

Don't compare your happiness with others and don't envy others. All you have to do is to focus on your own happiness and do what makes you happy.

If you work hard on your own happiness, there will be no reason to criticize or hold others back, right? I think that's what it means to be at "peace".

For the next generation, I hope for a world free of war, slander, and division related to gender. I want to leave behind a society where people can say what they want to say out loud without holding back.
