
性別にとらわれず「人として」相手を見たい|世界のフェミニズム・インタビュー連載「MIMOSA VOICE」

いろんな国の人にフェミニズムについて聞いてみたい!そんな想いから『MIMOSA VOICE』という連載名で、世界中の人にフェミニズムについてインタビューをする連載マガジンを始めました。





Regarding the gender gap, what situations or events in your daily life make you feel uncomfortable or angry?

I want to share your voice with the world.What are your thoughts and opinions on gender issues and feminism?

What kind of future do you want for the next generation?


名前:Kaeko Tarumi























English Ver

Looking Beyond Gender: Valuing Others as Individuals| World feminism interview series ”MIMOSA VOICE”

I want to ask people from various countries about feminism! With this in mind, I have decided to publish a series of articles (on an irregular basis) in which I interview people from all over the world about feminism under the series name "MIMOSA VOICE."

We will prepare three questions regarding feminism and ask people of various nationalities to answer them.Each person's values are different. Different nationalities have different ways of thinking and opinions.

However, I started this series because I wanted to visualize a world where everyone has the same goal: to create a society where everyone can live freely in their own way, without being bound by masculinity or femininity.

I would be happy if you could hear the voices of friends who view differences in an interesting way, nod to words they can empathize with, and work together to create a happy world!

<Question details>
Regarding the gender gap, what situations or events in your daily life make you feel uncomfortable or angry?

I want to share your voice with the world. What are your thoughts and opinions on gender issues and feminism?

What kind of future do you want for the next generation?


Name:(Kaeko Tarumi(Japanese name) /Kay(English name))

───Regarding the gender gap, what situations or events do you feel uncomfortable or angry about in your daily life?

I feel uncomfortable when the word "woman" is used before any title. For example, "female" politician, "female" doctor, etc. Is it really necessary to add "woman"? Is that really necessary information for work or activities? Is it the first word to use when getting to know or communicate with that person?

I feel that way. Recently, I had a chance to talk to a friend who works as a researcher at an educational institution, and he told me that there is a "female-only recruitment quota." She said that some people criticize that "women are given preferential treatment." I don't think that being "female" is such an important factor that it should be a prerequisite for employment.

There should be many other factors that shape a person, such as experience, achievements, compatibility with the community, and work values. There are countries in the world where you don't have to include personal information such as your face photo, gender, nationality, and age on your resume. I don't think everything should be kept private, but I think you need to be aware of whether the information will bring about meaningless bias in recruitment.

Of course, I understand that we should not blindly reject a newly established system. There must be an intention or background behind the establishment of a "women's quota." For example, I can understand that the number of women is inevitably small due to the characteristics of the industry and occupation, and that the "women's quota" is being introduced as the first step to creating an environment in which both men and women can work in the future. However, if there is such an intention, I think that a "process" is necessary to carefully share the purpose and background of why such a system was introduced with the relevant parties, people working in the workplace, and the world.

Because this is completely missing, the system is running ahead of itself, and the essential aims and vision for the future, such as "Why do we need a women's quota?" and "What kind of organization do we want to create by establishing a women's quota?" are not conveyed. Therefore, it is perceived as "a system that simply gives preferential treatment to women," and criticism of women is raised, and division and misunderstandings are occurring between men and women.

I myself have worked in the IT industry, but as far as I know, I have never seen a "women-only recruitment quota," and I think that if such a recruitment were carried out, criticism would arise. That's why I was even more shocked that such a situation was not questioned in an educational institution that will carry the future of Japan.

───I want to share your voice with the world. Please tell us your thoughts and opinions on gender issues and feminism.

I think it is important to see and communicate with others as "one person" rather than gender.

People are not all about attributes such as "male" or "female". I think gender is only one part of what makes up a person. For example, I like natto, I'm a slow runner (lol), I worked in the IT industry, I lived abroad, etc. Being a woman is merely parallel to other identities and is not my whole being.

That's why when we talk about someone in broad terms like "women are like this" or "men are like this", we often "think we understand" the person in front of us. I think that prejudices and assumptions that lump people together by gender are evidence that we "cannot see the other person's true nature" and "cannot communicate with them as an individual".

Easy-to-understand personalities and titles can unintentionally carry great power. Gender, generation, nationality, title, whether or not you have a disability, whether or not you have children, whether or not you have a spouse, etc. People tend to judge others based on their easy-to-understand aspects, such as "because she's a mother, she can only work part-time," "because young women will soon be giving birth and raising children, they can't build a career," and "because he's a man, he wants to get promoted and make money."

But if you could take off those "colored glasses" and look at others with clean, unbiased eyes, your world would change completely. I think that the process of communicating with people and getting to know them would become much more interesting and fun. I also think that "colored glasses" can sometimes be directed at yourself. If you can think that gender is just one of the things you own, you'll be able to love yourself more, thinking, "I'm fine with being like this."

───What kind of future do you want to leave for the next generation?

I hope that we will live in a world where it is normal to see people as people, not as people of different genders. To achieve this, I think it is important that I continue to maintain this attitude from tomorrow onwards.

It sounds easy to say, but it is very difficult to actually do. Don't be swayed by unconscious prejudices and assumptions, always question yourself, notice the fixed ideas you have, and keep updating your way of thinking. It requires courage.

It is difficult to force others to change. Each person realizes things at a different time, and the cultures and values ​​they have been exposed to are completely different depending on their generation and environment. In that sense, I think it is wrong to force others to change.

But if my attitude can trigger someone I meet at some point to reconsider their assumptions about gender, I think that is amazing enough.

Another thing I am conscious of on a daily basis is that when I feel a gap between the words and actions of the people around me and my own values, I build a relationship of trust so that I can honestly say, "I think this way," and discuss them.

It seems strange, but I can't say it. But I feel like it's wrong to ignore it... There are times like that. I think that in many cases, people can't say it because there is no relationship. I want to respect the other person's thoughts and I don't want to criticize them outright, so of course I need to keep a distance, but I think that one thing that individuals can do is to make an effort to "build a relationship of trust that allows you to tell the other person what you think." In this way, "making not only the system but also the relationships with people themselves into a safety net" is also necessary to maintain the attitude that I want to value. It's not something big that is easy to understand or influential, but I think this is my own way of doing things, my way of speaking up.
