
日中友好大学生訪中記 A Chinese Government Project!

English version is available following Japanese sentences!


















































中国ではビックデータ、クラウドicp事業に参入し、国土面積が広く人口の多い中国ならではの都市問題 人口問題 交通問題などに取り組んでいました。

例えば、監視システムのあるゴミ箱です。事前にデータ登録がしてあり、ゴミがいっぱいになったら知らされることで、より効果的に社会のリソースを分布できるという仕組みです。また、各自治体のガバナンスは各自でしてきた中国ですが、データの共有などが生まれ、出稼ぎの方々への手続きの簡略化などを実現しています。サッカーの試合をするにも道路の交通情報 、騒音、観客数、トラブル、食事の画像、災害の対応、犯罪事件の対応などを一括してデータ管理するため、中国のスマートシティの実現を目指しています。デジタルパイプ により漏洩や火事の防止、どこにパイプの不具合があるかわかるなど、スマート石油運輸にも大きな可能性を見ていました。スマート金融のコンセプトのもと色々な国々でデータを収集するデータセンターもあります。ファーウェイは収益の10%を開発研究に費やす、未来への投資を大切にする会社だそうです。






English version

I was selected to participate in a program to dispatch Japanese college students to China, under the request from the Chinese government-affiliated with the Japan-China Friendship Association.

During the program, conducted in March 2019, I interacted with many Chinese students, people from different cities, and government officials to deepen a mutual understanding and friendship between the two countries. It was a valuable experience.

I will be writing about my experience and opinions, which might be a little long, but I would be happy to read it.

I gained interest in China when I studied in Boston, USA. I don't even have to mention that I was saved many times by the food in Chinatown, with my Chinese friends in the school I was studying with, and with Chinese co-workers who work at an American company that later allowed me to do an internship. With those interactions, I became interested in Chinese culture.

I did not mean that I became fond of Chinese culture. I was more interested in it with a strange and unknown discovery feeling. The reason is that the information is limited, so I didn't know what was right or wrong. And in fact, I came to want to see the mainland of China with my own eyes.

With the reasons I mentioned above, I applied for the Japan-China friendship, a university student visiting China. I was selected from about 400 candidates. I was thrilled to be able to go to three cities in China (Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou this year) and have various experiences! Furthermore, it was a beautiful program from the student point of view that the cost involved is only $100 total. I think that the Chinese government's economic power, which can dispatch 100 Japanese university students twice a year, and pay for travel expenses, meals, and everything else, is tremendous. While in Japan, I belonged to group 6, finished all preparation, orientation, and training, and left Japan.

Air pollution
When we arrived in Beijing, China, the sky was clear, which surprised me because the story of air pollution is very famous, I was amazed by the beautiful Beijing's atmosphere and the sunny weather! (Honestly, air pollution in Shenzhen was visibly perceptible. Guangzhou was also a double punch of fog and air pollution. Of course, this kind of weather condition may change depending on the place and the day.)

The Forbidden city
The Forbidden City is the Imperial Palace of the Ming Dynasty, a place famous for last emperor films. The area is about 780,000 square meters, for example, it was just like when I saw the Todai-Ji Temple in Nara for the first time but five times bigger!

Z-Inno Way village
On the 2nd day of the Z-Inno Way village tour, we saw how the region's state-of-the-art technology in China began to develop, and how various inventions and billionaire companies stay successful. In this area, an entrepreneur started a small coffee track cafe. It was not just a café, but it was a strategic café where entrepreneurs, engineers, and capitalists share ideas and start massive China reforms with technology solutions.

The paintings of dolls
This traditional Chinese crafts were taught directly from the National Treasure person, and I had the experience of doing my works. It was fun to create a typical traditional Chinese-looking artwork with red and gold color 🙂

The Great Wall
The Great Wall, which I went to during the day, was so big and long that It wasn't very photogenic, and I felt the limit of my physical strength! However, I think a "wall" is a powerful word. It has vital historical and cultural significance, such as the wall, for preventing smuggling that President Trump is trying to create and the Berlin wall. Unlike island countries such as Japan, the feelings of those trying to save their own country by desperately making walls trying to prevent conflicts, wars, illegal migration, and various problems are a little unimaginable for Japanese people. However, it was a spectacular sight to see the power of the first emperor who had made this size barrier vigorously.

Then we moved to Shenzhen; this is the high-tech city with so many intelligent young people. It is called "Silicon Valley in China" and is close to Hong Kong, with a wealth of human resources and companies from upstream to downstream in the supply chain, so it is an excellent place to make electronic products.

Huawei's head office
The tour of Huawei's head office was the most impressive one during this visit. In China, they entered the Big Data and Cloud ICP businesses. They worked on urban problems, population problems, and traffic problems that China has been facing since it has a large land area and a large population.
For example, cleaning is more efficient with their surveillance system.
By registering data in advance and being notified when the garbage is full, people can get it, and by doing so, china can distribute social resources more effectively. Although China has independently done the governance of each local government, sharing of data was realized, and the procedure was simplified for migrants for business. They also aim to understand China's smart city to manage data at once, such as road traffic information, noise, number of spectators, troubles, food images, disaster response, crime incident response, etc. Digital oil pipes have shown great potential for smart oil transportation, such as preventing leaks and fires, and knowing where pipes are defective. There are also data centers that collect data in different countries under the concept of smart finance.
Huawei is a company that spends 10% of its revenue on development research and values the investment in the future.

In addition to that, we also had many exchanges with Chinese university students. I heard that many Chinese university students live in dormitories and share with six people in one room. I was surprised that no student was doing a part-time job. Instead, they are studying until 9 o'clock at night. Most of the students valued studying and volunteered or interned for future investments. At the same time, I noticed that Japanese universities have many creative and exciting faculties and programs.

Finally, with the members from group 6, I belonged to, and with everyone I spent with during the program, we shared ideas and made many memories while cooperating. I was able to get along with university students of similar age who already have many achievements and will be carrying future Japan from all over Japan! I received a lot of inspiration from everyone, honestly. It was not very familiar to see college students speaking all in Japanese, English, and Chinese with confidence on stage in front of over 300 people.

The first visit to mainland China was a unique and exciting experience! If you have any questions, I would love to answer anything!
