

The surprising resilience of the Russian economy

Heavy public spending on defence has led to a rebound in growth but could also be storing up problems for the near future

Addressing a crowd of activists on Friday in Tula, the capital of Russia’s arms industry, Vladimir Putin crowed that the country’s economy had defeated western sanctions imposed after his invasion of Ukraine.

“They predicted decline, failure, collapse — that we would stand back, give up, or fall apart. It makes you want to show [them] a well-known gesture, but I won’t do that, there are a lot of ladies here,” Putin said to a round of applause. “They won’t succeed! Our economy is growing, unlike theirs.”

Russia’s president gloated that Russia’s economy had not only withstood an onslaught of sanctions from western countries — but was now bigger than all but two of them. He was referring to the World Bank’s ranking of GDP by purchasing power parity, by which Russia slightly edges ahead of Germany. “All of our industry did their part,” he said.

On Tuesday, the IMF appeared to concur with Russia’s president. The IMF revised its own GDP growth forecast for Russia to 2.6 per cent this year, a 1.5 percentage point rise over what it had predicted last October.

The Russian economy’s resilience has stunned many economists who had believed the initial round of sanctions over the invasion of Ukraine nearly two years ago could cause a catastrophic contraction.

Instead, they say, the Kremlin has spent its way out of a recession by evading western attempts to limit its revenues from energy sales and by ramping up defence spending.

Russia is directing a third of the country’s budget — Rbs9.6tn in 2023 and Rbs14.3tn in 2024 — towards the war effort, a threefold increase from 2021, the last full year before the invasion. This includes not only producing hardware, but also giving war-related social payments to those who fight in Ukraine and their families, as well as some spending on the occupied territories.
ロシアは国家予算の3分の1(2023年に9.6兆ルピー、2024年に14.3兆ルピー)を戦争遂行に振り向けており、侵攻前の最後の丸一年だった2021年から3倍に増加している。 これには、ハードウェアの製造だけでなく、ウクライナで戦う人々とその家族に対する戦争関連の社会的支払いや、占領地への一部の支出も含まれる。

The significant increase in military expenditure marks “a striking break with Russia’s post-Communist development to date”, a recent Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) paper concluded.

Putin’s own top economic officials have warned a surge in public spending comes at the risk of a major overheating of the economy in the near future. But for the time being, it is keeping growth robust.
プーチン大統領自身の経済当局者らは、公共支出の急増には近い将来、経済が大幅に過熱するリスクがあると警告している。 しかし当面は堅調な成長を維持している。

All of this would have been impossible if Russia had not continued to generate colossal revenues from its energy resources, despite sanctions.

In 2023, Russia’s energy revenues reached Rbs8.8tn — a decline of about a quarter from the record-breaking result in 2022 but above the average for the past ten years. Despite this, the state has had to resort to increasingly irregular methods to generate revenue from one-off taxes and levies, including “voluntary donations” western businesses have to pay when leaving Russia.
2023年のロシアのエネルギー収入は8.8兆ルピーに達し、記録を更新した2022年の実績から約4分の1減少したが、過去10年間の平均を上回った。 それにもかかわらず、同国は、西側企業がロシアを離れる際に支払わなければならない「自発的な寄付」を含む、一度限りの税金や課徴金から歳入を得るために、ますます変則的な方法に頼らざるを得なくなっている。

“The regime is resilient because it sits on an oil rig,” says Elina Ribakova, a non-resident senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. “The Russian economy now is like a gas station that has started producing tanks.”
ピーターソン国際経済研究所の非居住上級研究員エリナ・リバコバ氏は、「政権は石油掘削装置の上にあるため、回復力がある」と語る。 「現在のロシア経済は、タンクの生産を始めたガソリンスタンドのようなものです。」

As he announced Russia’s staggering military spending to lawmakers in September, finance minister Anton Siluanov used a Soviet slogan from the second world war to describe the Kremlin’s approach to the budget.

“Everything for the front, everything for victory,” Siluanov said.

The Kremlin’s shift to what Vasily Astrov, a senior economist at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW), calls “military Keynesianism” is a radical break from the conservative macroeconomic policy of Putin’s first two decades in power.

Technocrats like Siluanov and central bank governor Elvira Nabiullina helped steer Russia through multiple financial crises by aggressively targeting inflation, shoring up the country’s banking system, building up foreign currency reserves, and attempting to rein in additional spending.

That approach also proved crucial in mitigating the initial impact of the sanctions at the war’s outset, when western countries froze $300bn of Russia’s sovereign reserves and the Kremlin imposed currency controls to halt an exodus of capital and a run on the banks.

“The economic bloc [the finance ministry and central bank] keeps saving the regime. They have proven to be much more useful for Putin than the generals,” says Alexandra Prokopenko, a former Russian central bank official.

Avoiding a bigger contraction in the economy allowed the Kremlin to pivot to fuelling growth through spending, Astrov says. Although the authorities officially continue to refer to the war in Ukraine as a “special military operation”, the entire country’s economy has shifted to producing for the war.
経済のさらなる縮小を回避することで、クレムリンは支出を通じて成長を促進する方向に舵を切ることができたとアストロフ氏は言う。 当局は公式にはウクライナ戦争を「特別軍事作戦」と呼び続けているが、国全体の経済は戦争のための生産にシフトしている。

Addressing a group of arms producers on Friday, Putin said they were “guaranteed to be filling orders for years to come” as Russia ramped up its weapons production and said the defence ministry was paying suppliers 80 per cent of the costs in advance.

The drive to produce more missiles, artillery, and drones in particular, is paying dividends for Russia on the battlefield at a time when Ukraine is struggling to secure funding for the advanced western weaponry Kyiv needs to beat back the invasion.

Putin and other top Russian officials have made a point of complaining that even the recent surge in production is insufficient. On Wednesday, defence minister Sergei Shoigu gave a public dressing down to the head of one of Russia’s weapons manufacturers over what he said was a lag in production of a “promising new artillery system”.
プーチン大統領と他のロシア高官は、最近の生産急増でも不十分だとわざわざ不満を漏らしている。 水曜日、セルゲイ・ショイグ国防大臣は、「有望な新砲システム」の生産の遅れを理由に、ロシアの兵器製造会社のトップを公の場で会見させた。

“If we have the chance, then we need to make use of it,” Shoigu said.

Ukraine’s army chief Valery Zaluzhny admitted this week that Kyiv and its allies had not done enough to improve Ukraine’s capabilities at a time when Russia’s ability to reinvest in its own defence industry had given it a significant firepower advantage.

The Russian finance ministry estimates that war-related fiscal stimulus in 2022-23 was equivalent to around 10 per cent of GDP. In that same period, war-related industrial output has risen 35 per cent while civilian production has remained flat, according to research published by the Bank of Finland Institute for Emerging Economies. Putin claimed on Friday that civilian production had increased by 27 per cent since the start of the war, but did not cite a source for the figure.
ロシア財務省は、2022-23年の戦争関連の財政刺激策はGDPの約10%に相当すると試算している。 フィンランド銀行新興経済研究所が発表した調査によると、同時期に戦争関連の工業生産は35%増加したが、民生生産は横ばいであった。 プーチン大統領は金曜日、戦争開始以来民間生産が27%増加したと主張したが、その数字の出典には言及しなかった。

“The verities of economic policy cease to apply when a government prioritises war over all else. Russia’s decision [to dispense] with two decades of prudent economic policies caught many by surprise, not just forecasters,” the Bank of Finland researchers wrote in their most recent forecast for Russia.
「政府が戦争を何よりも優先すると、経済政策の真実性は適用されなくなる。 20年にわたる賢明な経済政策を廃止するというロシアの決定は、予測担当者だけでなく多くの人を驚かせた」とフィンランド銀行の研究者らはロシアに関する最新の予測の中で述べている。

Economists and even some of the Kremlin’s own top technocrats have warned, however, that the rampant spending is already exposing new cracks in the Russian economy. Instead of lessening its dependence on oil and gas export sales, which make up about a third of budget income, Putin’s wartime drive has created a new addiction: military production.
しかし、経済学者やクレムリンのトップ技術者らは、支出の蔓延がすでにロシア経済に新たな亀裂を露呈させていると警告している。 予算収入の約3分の1を占める石油とガスの輸出売上高への依存を減らす代わりに、戦時中のプーチン大統領の衝動は軍事生産という新たな中毒を生み出した。

“The longer the war lasts, the more addicted the economy will become to military spending,” WIIW economists wrote in their January paper. “This raises the spectre of stagnation or even outright crisis once the conflict is over,” they added.
「戦争が長引けば長引くほど、経済はより軍事支出に依存するようになるだろう」とWIIWの経済学者らは1月の論文で述べた。 「このことは、紛争が終わった後に停滞、あるいは完全な危機に陥る可能性すらある」と彼らは付け加えた。

The growth is already creating imbalances that could become more pronounced over time. This is particularly noticeable on Russia’s labour market, where Russia’s army and its weapons factories are sucking in a growing number of workers on inflated wages — Putin said on Friday that Russia had created 520,000 new jobs in the industry — to man the round-the-clock shifts needed to achieve defence production targets.

This has created labour shortages in civilian industry amid an already bleak demographic outlook exacerbated by the war. Russia mobilised 300,000 men into the army in 2022 and claims to have recruited a further 490,000 in 2023. At least as many more, meanwhile, have fled the country to avoid being sent to the front.
戦争によってすでに厳しい人口動態の見通しがさらに悪化する中、これにより民間産業で労働力不足が生じている。 ロシアは2022年に30万人を軍隊に動員し、2023年にはさらに49万人を徴兵したと主張している。その間、少なくともそれ以上の人々が前線送りを避けるために国外に逃亡している。

“The greatest shortage of personnel is observed in the machine-building and chemical industries, many enterprises are forced to work in several shifts to fulfil orders received from the state,” analysts from the Gaidar Institute in Moscow wrote in December 2023.

To compete for labour against military production — which offers an exemption from the draft in addition to generous wages — the civilian sector has also had to increase salaries, which in turn drives domestic demand but adds to inflationary pressures.

If the sanctions have failed to stop Russia from spending, however, the restricted access to international markets has driven up the cost of imports, creating another potential economic trap for the Kremlin.

The circuitous routes goods now take to Russia are hitting consumers hard and weakening the rouble, which lost around 30 per cent of its value against the dollar in 2023.

“The huge budget expenses combined with Russia’s isolation . . . create an effect that’s like when you put dough in a plastic container,” says Prokopenko, a non-resident fellow at the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center in Berlin. “It rises until it runs into the roof, and then there’s nowhere to go.”
「莫大な予算支出とロシアの孤立が組み合わさった. . . プラスチックの容器に生地を入れたときのような効果を生み出すのです」とベルリンのカーネギー・ロシア・ユーラシア・センターの非居住研究員であるプロコペンコ氏は言う。 「屋根にぶつかるまで上昇し、その後は行き場がありません。」

The surge in public spending has driven inflation up to 7-7.5 per cent, prompting the central bank to raise the key interest rate to 16 per cent — a higher rate even than in Ukraine.

Following the rate rise, central bank governor Nabiullina warned the spending ran the risk of overheating Russia’s economy. “Trying to use dovish fiscal policy to grow beyond our potential will drive price growth [inflation] that’s going to eat more and more into savings and wage growth. And there won’t be any real growth in household wealth as a result,” she said.
利上げを受けて中銀のナビウリナ総裁は、この支出はロシア経済を過熱させるリスクがあると警告した。 「私たちの可能性を超えて成長するためにハト派的な財政政策を使おうとすると、物価上昇(インフレ)が促進され、貯蓄と賃金の伸びがますます侵食されることになります。 その結果、家計の資産が実質的に増加することはないでしょう」と彼女は語った。

The pace of growth may also not be sustainable even if Russia keeps up its current level of military spending, economists say.

Even analysts from the state-owned Russian Academy of Sciences say limited capacity means key sectors of the economy are already showing “signs of a slowdown”. These include a decline in railway transport loading, which is one of the primary indicators of an economic recession, they wrote in a note.
国営ロシア科学アカデミーのアナリストでさえ、生産能力が限られているということは、経済の主要部門がすでに「減速の兆し」を見せていることを意味していると述べている。 これらには、景気後退の主な指標の1つである鉄道輸送負荷の減少が含まれる、と彼らはメモに書いている。

Other economists argue that Russia’s economy would have grown in consecutive years at a much more sustainable level if Putin had not ordered the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

“2022 began from a very optimistic note, and the growth even surpassed most expectations. I would have expected that both in 2022 and 2023, we could have anticipated an annual GDP growth of around 3 per cent,” says Ruben Enikolopov, a research professor with Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in Barcelona.
「2022 年は非常に楽観的なスタートを切り、その成長は大方の予想をも上回りました。 2022 年と 2023 年の両方で、年間 GDP 成長率は約 3% になると予想していました」とバルセロナのポンペウ・ファブラ大学 (UPF) の研究教授、ルーベン・エニコロポフは言います。

