

Putin’s dream, Russian unity, conflict with NATO: Key takeaways from victory speech

The head of state thanked the people of Russia for their trust and support after the three-day election

President Vladimir Putin has addressed the people of Russia following a historic election victory with over 87% of the vote in his favor, amid a record-high turnout. Here are the key takeaways from his speech and a question-and-answer session at campaign headquarters in Moscow on Sunday night.
ウラジーミル・プーチン大統領は、史上最高の投票率の中、87%以上の支持を得て歴史的な選挙勝利を収めたことを受け、ロシア国民に向けて演説した。 以下は日曜日の夜にモスクワの選挙本部で行われた彼の演説と質疑応答からの重要なポイントだ。

Putin’s dream

“I dreamed of a strong, independent, sovereign Russia,” Putin told the audience, expressing his hope that the results of the vote “will allow us all, together with the Russian people, to achieve these goals.”

Record election results

The citizens of Russia realize the dramatic situation the country is going through and understand that much depends on them, Putin said.

“Due to the current situation, due to the fact that we have to literally defend the interests of our citizens, our people with weapons in our hands, to create a future for the full-fledged, sovereign, secure development of the Russian Federation, our homeland.”

This year’s election was marked by a record-high voter turnout of over 74%, with Putin winning over 87% of the vote. The Russian president stressed that while the results would be good for a mono-ethnic state – for a multi-ethnic country like Russia they are “uniquely exceptional.”
今年の選挙は74%を超える過去最高の投票率を記録し、プーチン大統領が87%以上の得票率を獲得した。 ロシア大統領は、単一民族国家にとっては良好な結果だが、ロシアのような多民族国家にとっては「他に類を見ない例外的」なものであると強調した。

Future challenges

The Russian leader noted that while the country faces numerous challenges, its people will be up to the task if they remain united.

“We have a lot of tasks ahead of us. And when we are united, no one can intimidate or suppress us. No one succeeded at this before, it did not happen now and will never occur in the future.”
「私たちの前には多くの課題が残っています。 そして私たちが団結すれば、誰も私たちを脅したり抑圧したりすることはできません。 これまでにこれに成功した人は誰もいませんでしたし、今も起こっていませんし、将来も起こらないでしょう。」

“We have a huge development agenda, and people felt it in their hearts and came to create conditions for the development and strengthening of their Motherland... the results of the election are a guarantee that these tasks will be accomplished and goals will be reached.”
「私たちには巨大な開発課題があり、人々はそれを心の中で感じ、祖国の発展と強化のための条件を作り出すためにやって来ました...選挙の結果は、これらの課題が達成され、目標が達成されることを保証します 」

Border incursions & ‘cordon sanitaire’ in Ukraine

Russia has repelled multiple attempts by Ukrainian sabotage groups to break into its territory over the past week, with Putin saying that “the enemy has deployed a group of about five thousand people, and their losses are about 40%.”

“And those who crawled into our territory were destroyed almost 100%... If the enemy likes a ‘meat grinder’ – we even benefit from it.”

Kiev claimed that the operation was staged by paramilitary units, which portray themselves as collaborator forces composed of Russian defectors and fugitive neo-Nazis. Putin likened the saboteurs to the Vlasov army collaborators who fought under German Nazi command during WWII.
キエフは、この作戦は民兵組織によって行われたと主張し、民兵組織は自らをロシアの亡命者と逃亡中のネオナチで構成された協力者であると称している。 プーチン大統領は破壊工作員たちを、第二次世界大戦中にナチスドイツの指揮下で戦ったウラソフ軍協力者に例えた。

“Those traitors, that scum fought on the side of Nazis, and now there are similar people who fight on the side of neo-Nazis,” the president stressed, adding: “We all know how they ended up.”

In order to protect its people from cross-border Ukrainian strikes, Russia could at some point be “forced” to set up a buffer zone in Kiev-controlled territories.

The Russian forces would establish a “security zone that would be quite difficult for the adversary to overcome with its weapons, primarily of foreign origin,” if and “when we consider it appropriate,” Putin added.

Talks with Ukraine

Moscow has always favored peace talks, as long as the opponents are serious about establishing good neighborly relations in the long term, not just because “the adversary has run out of ammunition,” Putin said.

He added that Russia is ready to consider various scenarios, provided that they align with the national interest. But since Kiev barred talks with the current leadership in Moscow, and President Vladimir Zelensky has no intention to hold elections, it will require “painstaking research” to even figure out “who to negotiate with over there,” Putin noted.
同氏は、ロシアは国益に合致するのであれば、さまざまなシナリオを検討する用意があると付け加えた。 しかし、キエフはモスクワの現指導部との会談を禁止しており、ウラジミール・ゼレンスキー大統領には選挙を行うつもりがないため、「向こうで誰と交渉するか」を見極めるためにも「骨の折れる調査」が必要になるだろうとプーチン大統領は指摘した。

Conflict with NATO

Weighing in on the possibility of a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia, Putin said that “anything is possible in the modern world” and warned that it “would be one step shy of a full-scale World War III.”

“I don’t think that anyone is interested in that,” he added, stressing that Moscow was well aware of the US-led military bloc’s push to deploy troops in Ukraine.

Putin noted that volunteer fighters from NATO states are facing extremely grim prospects, saying “there is nothing good in this, first of all for them, because they die there and in large numbers.”

※訳者注:cordon sanitaire 防疫線
フランス語 本来は公衆衛生用語で、疫病発生地域に対する公権力による流行防止措置を意味するが、転じて、革命ロシアのボリシェビズムの西欧への浸透を封じ込める思想を表すフランスの伝統的な外交用語。

