

Gaza needs concrete actions, not words

The extraordinary Arab-Islamic Summit in the Saudi capital ended with strong communiqué, but no concrete actions against the Zionist regime or its Western enablers.

After more than a month of relentless bombardment which resulted in the killing of thousands of civilians, the leaders of the Muslim world came together in Riyadh for a summit on the Palestinian question.

The summit, held on Saturday afternoon, was attended by key Muslim leaders such as Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, among other leaders.

Millions of Muslims around the world pinned hope on the summit to produce concrete actions such as boycotting all diplomatic and economic relations with the apartheid Israeli regime for its deliberate targeting of civilian lives and properties.

But the summit failed its constituency.

Before heading to Saudi Arabia, the Iranian president urged action. He called on Muslim and Arab leaders to go beyond declaring positions and adopt punitive measures against the Israeli regime, which has demonstrated a mind-boggling disregard for civilians.

Referring to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), President Raisi said, “This platform is not one for mere speech and announcement of positions, but must be a platform for action to quickly stop the bombings, lift the blockade of Gaza, and open the way to help the oppressed and authoritative people of this region, as well as to achieve the rights of the Palestinians, which was basically the main philosophy of the establishment of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.”

In his speech at the summit, President Raisi reiterated the need for action, saying the high-level meeting was an opportunity to take historic action in defense of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

He then suggested 10 actionable solutions.
その後、彼は 10 の実行可能な解決策を提案しました。

The Joint Arab Islamic Extraordinary Summit adopted a good resolution but it was not enough to put real pressure on the Israeli regime and its Western enablers.

The failure to turn up to the heat on Israel derives from many reasons. One such reason is internal divisions among member states regarding many issues including the ways to help end the Israeli aggression.
イスラエルへの攻撃に応じられないのには多くの理由がある。 その理由の一つは、イスラエルの侵略を止める方法を含む多くの問題に関して加盟国間の内部分裂である。

The enablers of Israel have long pursued a divide-and-rule strategy toward the Muslim world and fostered discord among key Islamic countries. Unfortunately, some Muslim countries have been engaged in rivalries and self-defeating competitions that were detrimental to all. The good news is that the era of rivalries and divisions is over, with key Muslim countries improving relations with each other.
イスラエルの実現者たちは、イスラム世界に対する分断統治戦略を長年追求し、主要なイスラム諸国間の不和を助長してきた。 残念なことに、一部のイスラム諸国では、すべての人にとって有害な競争や自滅的な競争が行われてきました。 良いニュースは、対立と分裂の時代が終わり、主要なイスラム諸国が相互に関係を改善していることだ。

The issue of Palestine has resurfaced again as a unifying force in the Muslim world. All Muslim countries are sensitive to the Palestinian sufferings and are morally obliged to prioritize it.
イスラム世界の求心力としてパレスチナ問題が再び浮上している。 すべてのイスラム諸国はパレスチナ人の苦しみに敏感であり、それを優先する道徳的義務がある。

The second reason is the narrow-minded, short-term interests that some Muslim countries have in relations with the Israeli regime. As a general rule, Israel can never be a reliable strategic partner for any Arab or Islamic country. This is because Israel is built on racism toward Islamic and Arab identities. Racist anti-Arab and anti-Islamic chants in Israeli demonstrations are regular. In a sense, racism is part and parcel of Zionist identity. Add to racism the never-ending Israeli oppression against the defenseless people of Palestine. With such a regime, no Islamic countries can build a lasting relationship. Even if an Arab or Islamic country harbors a genuine desire to build a lasting relationship with the apartheid Israeli regime, the racist Zionist nature of this regime will prompt it to stab that country in the back when the right moment arrives. At the end of the day, Zionist zealots pursue an expansionist agenda, which has been unfolding on Islamic and Arab lands in the last seven decades.
第二の理由は、一部のイスラム諸国がイスラエル政権との関係で抱いている視野が狭く、短期的な利益だ。 原則として、イスラエルはアラブ諸国やイスラム諸国にとって決して信頼できる戦略的パートナーにはなり得ない。 イスラエルはイスラムとアラブのアイデンティティに対する人種差別の上に成り立っているからだ。 イスラエルのデモでは人種差別的な反アラブ、反イスラムのシュプレヒコールが定期的に行われている。 ある意味、人種差別はシオニストのアイデンティティの一部だ。 無防備なパレスチナの人々に対するイスラエルによる終わりのない抑圧が、人種差別に拍車をかけている。 このような体制では、イスラム諸国は永続的な関係を築くことはできない。 たとえアラブやイスラムの国がアパルトヘイトのイスラエル政権と永続的な関係を築きたいという心からの願望を抱いていたとしても、この政権の人種差別的シオニスト的性質は、適切な時期が来ればその国の背後を刺すよう促すだろう。 結局のところ、シオニストの熱狂者たちは、過去70年間イスラムとアラブの土地で展開されてきた拡張主義的な政策を追求している。

The third possible reason for the rather tepid resolution of the Riyadh summit could be that some leaders are hoping the behind-the-scene mediations could bring the Israeli regime to reason. If true, that would be wishful thinking as the Zionist regime of Tel Aviv has shown time and again that it only understands the language of power, not suave diplomatic gestures. This regime and its enablers have demonstrated that they lack any moral compass, having slaughtered more than 11,000 civilians. Politics in the West Asia region have always been suffused with human sufferings but only the apartheid regime of Israel was able to break a record in this regard. The Israeli regime will go down in history as one that deliberately targeted baby incubators, killed refugees fleeing war, and forced doctors to perform surgeries without anesthesia before blowing up hospitals.
リヤド首脳会談の解決がかなり生ぬるい第三の理由として考えられるのは、一部の指導者らが水面下での調停によってイスラエル政権に理性を与えられることを期待していることだろう。 もし本当なら、シオニスト政権テルアビブが権力の言語のみを理解し、穏便な外交的態度を理解していないことを何度も示してきたように、それは希望的観測だろう。 この政権とその後援者たちは、11,000人以上の民間人を虐殺して、道徳的指針を欠いていることを証明した。 西アジア地域の政治は常に人的苦痛に満ちているが、この点で記録を破ることができたのはイスラエルのアパルトヘイト政権だけだった。 イスラエル政権は、意図的に保育器を標的にし、戦争から逃れてきた難民を殺害し、病院を爆破する前に医師に無麻酔手術を強制した政権として歴史に残るだろう。

