
イスラエル軍、スポーツ目的でパレスチナ人を殺害/2018年5月15日THE NEW ARABを読む

Israeli forces kill Palestinians for sport

Sixty unarmed Palestinian protesters, including eight children under the age of 18, were shot and killed by Israeli snipers on Monday, alongside another 1,700 who were injured, in what has been described as the deadliest day for Gaza since Israel's siege of the embattled Palestinian enclave in 2014.

You can add these extinguished lives to the 50 or so who have been killed by Israeli occupation forces in Gaza during the course of the past six weeks of Palestinian protests. While you're at it, you can also add these lives to the total number of Israeli fatalities, which is precisely zero.
過去6週間のパレスチナ抗議活動中にガザ地区でイスラエル占領軍によって殺害された50人ほどの命に、これらの消えた命を加えることができるだろう。 その一方で、これらの命をイスラエルの死者数の合計 (正確にゼロ) に追加することもできます。

You read that right, not a single Israeli has been killed since the Great Return March protests began. In short, Israel is killing actual human beings who pose no threat to the state of Israel or its citizens.

In fact, eyewitness testimonies and video footage show unarmed Palestinians being shot hundreds of meters from the Gaza perimeter fence, so let's call this for what it is: Israeli snipers are basically shooting unarmed Palestinians for sport, and given these protesters are already caged in what has been described as the "world's largest concentration camp" or "open air prison", it's akin to shooting fish in the proverbial barrel.
実際、目撃者の証言やビデオ映像によれば、非武装のパレスチナ人がガザの境界フェンスから数百メートル離れたところで撃たれている。これをそのまま表現してみる:イスラエルの狙撃兵は基本的にスポーツ目的で非武装のパレスチナ人を撃っているのですが、これらの抗議活動参加者たちがすでに檻に閉じ込められていることを考えると、 「世界最大の強制収容所」または「野外刑務所」と形容されるこの施設は、ことわざにある樽の中で魚を撃つようなものだ。

Palestinians were shot during prayer, while talking to friends, preparing a meal, flying a kite or even taking a nap. Moreover, they were shot and killed by Israeli snipers securely positioned more than a kilometre away and whose lives were never in danger. Israel is killing Palestinians for sport. There's no other way to frame it.
パレスチナ人は祈りの最中、友人と話しているとき、食事の準備をしているとき、凧揚げをしているとき、あるいは昼寝をしているときにも銃撃された。 さらに、彼らは1キロ以上離れた場所に確実に配置されていたイスラエルの狙撃兵によって射殺されたが、彼らの命は決して危険にさらされることはなかった。 イスラエルはスポーツのためにパレスチナ人を殺害している。 それをフレーム化する他の方法はない。

Among the dead were a medic, a journalist with Al Jazeera, a 14-year-old boy, and a man in a wheelchair who had been pictured on Twitter using a slingshot. How on earth do any of these now murdered individuals pose any threat to the Middle East's most powerful military? The answer is, they don't.
死者の中には衛生兵、アルジャジーラの記者、14歳の少年、スリングショットを使ってツイッターに投稿された車椅子の男性も含まれていた。 一体、現在殺害されたこれらの人々の誰かが、中東の最も強力な軍隊にどのように脅威をもたらすのだろうか? 答えは、そうではない。

"No one is carrying any weapons here, there are no bullets being fired by Palestinians on Israeli soldiers, there's nothing I have seen that poses any threat to the Israeli military, not a single Israeli soldier has been injured, and yet, these killings continue," reported journalist Sharif Abdel Kouddous from Gaza.
「ここには誰も武器を持っておらず、パレスチナ人がイスラエル兵に向けて発砲した銃弾もないし、イスラエル軍に脅威となるものは何も見たことがなく、イスラエル兵は一人も負傷していない。にもかかわらず、こうした殺害は続いている」 」とガザ出身のジャーナリスト、シャリフ・アブデル・クドゥスは報告した。

"All I saw in the past hour is blood, with people's heads, necks and chests injured," said Hind Khoudary, a contributor to Middle East Eye. "The Israelis have been shooting randomly at protesters the minute they tried to break the fence. Some bodies are still trapped there too, and ambulances can't reach them."
「この1時間で私が見たのは血だけで、人々の頭、首、胸が負傷していた」とミドル・イースト・アイへの寄稿者ハインド・クーダリー氏は語った。 「イスラエル人はデモ参加者が柵を破ろうとした瞬間に無差別に発砲している。遺体の中にはまだ閉じ込められたままで、救急車も到着できない。」

Sawsan Zaher, a lawyer for Adalah, a Palestinian advocacy group, said, "The sound of snipers was very intense. The use of tanks as well was very much heard. What we heard and what we saw definitely reflect the high number of deaths."

Others described how Gaza's hospitals were overflowing with the bodies of the deceased and wounded. Responsibility for these deaths and injuries lies squarely at the feet of the Israeli government, which has enshrined the hunting of Palestinians in Gaza as a form of sport into unofficial Israeli policy.
ガザの病院が死者や負傷者の遺体で溢れかえっていた様子を語る人もいた。 これらの死傷者に対する責任は、ガザでのパレスチナ人の狩猟をスポーツの一形態として非公式のイスラエル政策に組み込んだイスラエル政府の足元に直接ある。

"There are no innocent people in the Gaza Strip," declared Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman on the tenth day of the Great Return Protests.

By this logic, and in the minds of every Israeli sniper, all two million Palestinians in besieged Gaza are guilty of being an existential threat, and one that must be neutralised, whether by siege, blockade, bombing or sniper fire.

Do not be mistaken in believing that Israeli soldiers are innocent of merely following orders. Last month, a video clip emerged of a group of Israeli snipers celebrating and cursing a Palestinian they had shot in the head. One of the soldiers can be heard shouting, "What a video." Another yelled, "Legendary clip" before calling the deceased a "son of a whore".
イスラエル兵は命令に従っただけで無罪であると信じて誤解しないで欲しい。 先月、イスラエルの狙撃兵グループが頭を撃ったパレスチナ人を祝いながら罵るビデオクリップが公開された。 兵士の一人が「何というビデオだ」と叫ぶのが聞こえる。 別の者は故人を「売春婦の息子」と呼ぶ前に「伝説のクリップだ」と叫んだ。

This kind of moral and emotional detachment Israeli soldiers display towards Palestinian civilians often reflected among Israeli society writ large. When Palestinian protesters were arrested outside the newly moved US embassy in Jerusalem yesterday, Israelis chanted, "Burn them, shoot them, kill them."
イスラエル兵士がパレスチナ民間人に対して示すこの種の道徳的かつ感情的な無関心は、イスラエル社会全体に反映されることが多い。 昨日、エルサレムに新しく移転した米国大使館の外でパレスチナ人の抗議活動参加者が逮捕されたとき、イスラエル人は「彼らを燃やし、撃って、殺せ」と叫んだ。

It's little wonder that Israeli soldiers kill Palestinians for sport, a claim also made by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and veteran war correspondent Chris Hedges.

"Children have been shot in other countries I have covered - death squads gunned them down in El Salvador and Guatemala, mothers with infants were lined up and massacred in Algeria, and Serb snipers put children in their sights and watched them crumple onto the pavement in Sarajevo - but I have never before watched soldiers entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport," writes Hedges in 'A Gaza Diary: Scenes from the Palestinian Uprising'.
エルサルバドルやグアテマラでは決死隊が子どもたちを銃殺し、アルジェリアでは乳飲み子を連れた母親が列をなして虐殺され、サラエボではセルビア人スナイパーが子どもたちを照準に入れ、歩道に崩れ落ちるのを見た。しかし、兵士たちがネズミのように子どもたちを罠に誘い込み、スポーツのために殺害するのを見たのは初めてだ」とヘッジズは『ガザ日記』に書いている: ガザ日記:パレスチナ蜂起の情景』の中で、ヘッジスはこう書いている。

イスラエル兵により47人が死亡、2000人のパレスチナ人が負傷。 植民地化された人々が虐殺される中、植民地化者と彼らの帝国主義的スポンサーは祝賀します。



When I interviewed Hedges, he told me how Israeli soldiers would dare Palestinian kids to emerge from the Khan Younis refugee camp in Gaza by taunting them with calls over a loudspeaker, such as "Come out, you sons of whores." Falling for the trap, the kids would come out and throw rocks towards the Israeli military jeeps, and the Israeli soldiers would fire upon them in return.
"I would see the destruction, the way their intestines were ripped out, the gaping holes in their limbs and torsos," said Hedges.
This is the reality that faces Palestinians in the occupied territories, and this is the reality that continues to be ignored by the US media.
Predictably, the major US television networks blamed today's violence against Palestinians on protests against the opening of the new US embassy in Jerusalem, or Hamas.
No doubt Palestinians feel frustrated and betrayed by the Trump administration validating and sanctifying Israel's illegal annexation of the Holy City, but Palestinians are aggrieved by much more than that.
Palestinians are protesting being denied freedom of movement and the right of their displaced families to return to their Palestinian homeland. They're also protesting the inhumane living conditions forced upon by them by the state of Israel, conditions that deny them access to healthcare, clean drinking water, fishing lanes, and a future.
パレスチナ人は移動の自由と、避難民の家族がパレスチナの故国に戻る権利を否定されていることに抗議している。 彼らはまた、イスラエル国家によって強制された非人道的な生活環境、医療、きれいな飲料水、漁道、そして未来へのアクセスを否定する状況にも抗議している。
When I interviewed Basim Naim, former Palestinian health minister, I asked him what he thought about the UN assessing Gaza to be "unlivable" by the year 2020. "What are they talking about?" Naim replied. "It's unlivable now."
元パレスチナ保健大臣のバシム・ナイム氏にインタビューした際、国連がガザ地区を2020年までに「居住不可能」と評価したことについてどう思うかと尋ねた。 ナイムは答えた。 「今は住めなくなってしまった。」
That's what Palestinians are protesting, and for that they're being shot and killed by a merciless Israeli military, while the United States government refuses to condemn Israel's unjustifiably excessive use of violence.

