Clean Victory
Iran executed its long-awaited retaliation against Israel on Saturday and the early hours of Sunday morning by directly targeting the occupied territories from its soil.
The New York Times claimed Operation Truthful Promise was carried out with at least 185 drones and around 150 missiles. Despite Israel's egregious claim at having intercepted "99%" of the projectiles, footage captured by Israeli settlers in the vicinity of the targets showed Iran's missiles had landed exactly where they were meant to descend.
ニューヨーク・タイムズは、「真実の約束」作戦は少なくとも185機の無人機と約150発のミサイルで実行されたと主張した。 発射体の「99%」を迎撃したというイスラエルのひどい主張にもかかわらず、標的付近のイスラエル入植者が撮影した映像は、イランのミサイルが降下予定の場所に正確に着弾したことを示していた。
The missiles and drones were fired from regions all across Iran. They passed by populated cities in Iraq, Syria, Jordan and occupied Palestine before hitting two Israeli military targets, one of them being a large intelligence base, Nevatim Airbase, from where an F-35 jet took off to target Iran’s consulate in Damascus. No civilian sites were damaged in the process, which proves the high precision of Iran's domestic-grown weapons.
ミサイルと無人機はイラン全土の地域から発射された。 彼らはイラク、シリア、ヨルダンの人口密集都市を通過し、占領下のパレスチナを占領した後、イスラエルの軍事目標2か所を攻撃した。そのうちの1つは大規模な諜報基地であるネバティム空軍基地で、そこからF-35戦闘機がダマスカスのイラン総領事館を標的として離陸した。 この過程で民間施設に被害はなかったが、これはイラン国産兵器の精度の高さを証明している。
As mentioned by Iran's permanent mission to the United Nations, the attacks also did not breach any international law. Article 51 of the UN Charter pertains to the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense in the event of an armed attack against a member state. It reads:
イランの国連常任代表部が言及したように、今回の攻撃はいかなる国際法にも違反していなかった。 国連憲章第 51 条は、加盟国に対する武力攻撃が発生した場合の個別的または集団的自衛の固有の権利に関するものです。 こう書かれています。
"Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security."
Iran and Israel innately different
What's evident is that Iran's recent attacks and the assaults carried out by Israel across the West Asian region have been different in nature.
Every strike the regime has carried out in the past 7 months and before that, was to assassinate individuals inside residential buildings, packed streets or even diplomatic premises. Israeli moves have all been in violation of international law. Topped with the genocide it is currently committing in Gaza, where every hospital, school, mosque, church, and home has been systematically destroyed, Israel has probably become the biggest breacher of international law in history.
政権が過去7カ月間とそれ以前に実施したすべての攻撃は、住宅の建物や混雑した通り、さらには外交施設内で個人を暗殺するものだった。 イスラエルの動きはすべて国際法に違反している。 ガザ地区で現在行っている大量虐殺に加え、あらゆる病院、学校、モスク、教会、家庭が組織的に破壊されており、イスラエルはおそらく史上最大の国際法違反者となった。
Tehran could have easily destroyed big gatherings to give Israel a taste of its own medicine, or hit critical infrastructure to plunge it into social chaos. It, however, decided to play by the rules, and it still somehow got condemned by Israel's Western patrons, while Israel continues to enjoy full impunity.
イラン政府は、イスラエルに自国の薬を味わわせるために大規模な集会を簡単に破壊したり、重要なインフラを攻撃してイスラエルを社会混乱に陥れたりすることもできたはずだ。 しかし、規則に従って行動することを決定し、依然としてイスラエルの西側後援者からどういうわけか非難されている一方で、イスラエルは引き続き完全な免責を享受している。
The West denounced "in the strongest terms" Iran's lawful attempt at defending itself from a rogue regime that knows no limits, saying it's worried the move could escalate into a widespread conflict. Ironically months of witnessing genocide, heartbreaking scenes of mutilated and starving children, and Israel's continual aggressive assaults on neighboring regions, did not make the West feel any danger.
西側諸国は、際限のない不正政権から自国を守ろうとするイランの合法的な試みを「最も強い言葉で」非難し、この動きが広範な紛争にエスカレートする可能性を懸念していると述べた。 皮肉なことに、何ヶ月にもわたって大量虐殺、切断され飢えている子供たちの悲痛な光景、そして近隣地域に対するイスラエルの継続的な攻撃を目撃し続けても、西側諸国は何の危険も感じなかった。
For Western states, the death of over 34,000 Palestinian civilians is nothing to fret over. What matters is Iran or any other country under Israeli aggression, would agree to come under attacks without an attitude. Western officials will spend their people's hard-earned tax money to help protect Israel's military sites, and defend the regime at UN meetings with unbelievable audacity. What they won't do, however, is make sure the over 2 million people in the besieged Gaza will not starve to death or get bombed into oblivion.
In the eyes of the U.S. and Europe, a free and democratic world is one where Israel can commit unimaginable crimes without anyone hitting back at it. Iran here, has decided it is time the situation changes.
米国や欧州の目には、自由で民主的な世界とは、イスラエルが誰も反撃することなく想像を絶する犯罪を犯す可能性がある世界だ。 ここイランは、状況を変える時期が来たと判断した。