
The History of Chablis,16/フィロキセラという悪夢

In the spring of 1862, a man named M. Joseph Antoine Borty, a vineyard owner in Languedoc, was importing dozens of bottles of Lambrusca grapes, the original American grape variety, from the East Coast of the United States on a spur of the moment basis. On a whim, he imported from the East Coast of the United States dozens of bottles of Lambrusca grapes, a native American grape variety.
Perhaps he was trying to develop a new product. He planted the saplings in his own vineyard. The native American grapes are hardy and the fruit is flexible. They took root beautifully in Boti's vineyard.
But the following year, for some reason, the grapes in his vineyard. The non-native grapes began to die one by one. And the vines in the surrounding vineyards also began to die one by one. It was the beginning of a nightmare.
The ripple effect of the death of the vines spread rapidly across the entire region and within 5 years it was all over France. How! Every...literally every vine has died. It's a true nightmare. And it took only 30 years for it to spread to Italy, Spain and the surrounding countries, and to the rest of the world.

The nightmare of phylloxera arrived in Chablis probably in the late 1870's. Suddenly, the vineyards in this region of Yonne began to die one by one. Suddenly, the vineyards of this region, Yonne, began to wither one by one. The route of transmission was probably by rail. In terms of the history of phylloxera in France, the first vineyards in the region were the ones with established logistics, which is why phylloxera was introduced to Yonne in the first place, probably by rail.
It began in Auxerre and spread out around the region, destroying the vineyards that had been left behind without the glory of the past. Unable to do anything else, most of the farmers have given up wine production and planted other crops in the vineyards.

In fact, by the time this nightmare reached the Chablis region, the cause of the vine's total destruction had already been identified. A frantic research investigation by the French government had found that the cause was an aphid on the roots of the grapes.
It had been discovered by Jules Emile Planchon that the cause of the die-off was an aphid called phylloxera, a species of rice aphid.
The French government sent him on a tour of the United States. There he learned that if he took cuttings of European species to American species, they did not die. Planton reported this to the French government in his report.

As an aside, the first to introduce this method in France was in Beaujolais at the southern tip of Burgundy.
Actually. At the time, there was a man named Victor Puillat in Beaujolais. He was not a farmer, but rather a researcher who was experimenting with various improvements to the vines there.
He heard about the Plantation report and experimented with the use of European cuttings on American rootstock in his vineyard. The technique of cutting these two species is quite delicate. If you insert the Yolobba cuttings too deeply into the American roots, they are eventually killed by phylloxera. However, if the cuttings are too shallow, the cuttings will fail. Puyer tried many possible patterns at the same time and established the most reliable method.

His method was not only used in the Beaujolais region, but was quickly adopted throughout France, protecting French wine.
Even in the Chablis region, which had been wiped out, some farmers clung to this method. They took out the dead vines and planted Chablis cuttings in their pedestals.

In fact, several grape varieties had previously been used in the Chablis region. Chardonnay was the only grape variety used by the Cistercian church, who had taken over their vineyards, while others planted cold-tolerant grapes such as the Aligoté and aproblo variants. But this phylloxera vortex led all producers to switch to the more saleable Chardonnay varieties.
However. Even at 20,000HL, less than a third of its peak, it is clear that this was a devastating start.

The replanting of grapes and the re-arranging of the vineyards requires a fierce amount of money and manpower. The people of Chablis, determined to "save the vineyard", licked the coals. Like the... those Cistercian monks... they crawled on the ground to protect the vineyard.

M・ジョセフ・アントワーヌ・ボーティ(M.Joseph Antoine Borty)というラングドックで葡萄園を営む男がいました。1862年の春。彼は思い付きの軽い気持ちでアメリカ東海岸から米原種であるランブルスカ種の葡萄を数十本輸入しました。




実はですね。当時ボージョレーにヴィクトール・ピュイヤVictor Puillatという人物がいたのです。彼は農家というより、葡萄の木のさまざまな改良を同地で実験する研究者でした。




