
The History of Chablis,14/その秀逸性は根強く深く富裕層に愛され続けた

In the second millennium, continental Europe/Frankland, crafting equipment evolves by leaps and bounds, road building expands, and industries in each region begin to connect more organically. Goods become widely distributed, not tied to a region. Wine is no exception. It will be freed from the shackles of local production and consumption. Of course, glass bottles and corks have not yet appeared, so it is only carried in wooden barrels, which will turn vinegary after a year. Nevertheless, wines from all over the country are now being distributed in all directions.

Two major trends.
(1) The wines of the Loire River basin are now sent to every corner of the Duchy of Burgundy, which has expanded northward up the river. The wine was exchanged for woolen goods, a specialty of Flanders. Trade in money also grew up.
(2) The organic union and development of the Roman Road allowed cheap southern French wine to reach Central France. This had a serious impact on the wine farmers of Central France.
And, as a follow-up to this, the climate ended the warm 1000 years and entered the next 1000 years of the Little Ice Age. The winters would be ridiculously cold all year round. This has caused the vines to die one by one. The winters are long and prolonged, which even the cold-tolerant varieties cannot survive. 
Thanks to this, the flourishing wine industry in Auxerre, throughout mid-France, and in Champagne is destroyed in one fell swoop. The monasteries could no longer make more wine than they could consume on their own.
Until a blind savior named Dom Perignon appears in the Champagne region, the region returns to its woolen production once again. And what about Chablis? And the Cistercian church that grows and guards the Holy Vine of Gethsemane?
Yes, it has been a period of immense trials. But the deadly (and literally deadly) production continued.
Pontigny/Chablis is not the only Cistercian monastery/church in the region. There was also one a bit further north, in Toner.

Among them, the wines made in the sanatorium founded by the Countess of Margulies (1193), who ruled over Jerusalem and Sicily, also continued to be slowly protected in their production system. A tax collector for the central government of Paris in a slightly lower age wrote about the wines of Tonner as follows.
Nearly every parish in the tax collection area is planted with grapes, and all the trade goods of this region are the wines produced there. The wine is transported by land to Auxerre, about 30 kilometers from Tonnerre, and from there via the Yonne River and the Seine to Paris. When the wine is good enough, the Flemish people come to buy it.
So the market was strictly protected.
The market was geared towards cheap, coarse wines. But the Chardonnay wines from the Chablis region were well supported by the wealthy.
The Chablis wines have a clear, pale gold colour, or a greenish-gold colour. Or a greenish-gold color. Fresh and lively minerality. Flint, green apple, lemon, woodland undergrowth, and mushroom (haratake). Aromas of lime tree, mint, acacia and licorice, and mown hay. These qualities were deeply rooted and deep-rooted in the wealthy.
However. The Huguenots attacked the abbey of Pontigny in 1568 for its wine, which was undoubtedly the target of the attacks.


シャンパニュー地方に、ドン・ペリニオンという盲目の救世主が現れるまで、同地は再度毛織物だけの産地へ戻ってしまいます。・・シャブリはどうでしょうか? 聖なるゲッセマネの葡萄を育て守っているシトー派の教会は?

