The card which keeps your safe and health at work

Are you able to tell your work  if you face to any difficulties to keep doing what you do for now during you are pregnant?

What if you have severe morning sickness...
What if you have a risk of threatened preterm labour...
What if you are always working more than 10 hours or during night  even you hardly sit down or take a rest...

In Japan, we have "Boken-renraku Card”
( “母性健康管理指導事項連絡カード” is the proper name if you need to.)
Some of you may hesitate to tell your boss what you need or what your want.
If you are struggling for that, just ask your doctor or midwife to write down your situation in this card.
It explains what you should avoid or need to do officially so it would helpful when you want to change the shifts or take day-off.

When you can't work like you are used to be, I totally understand how you are struggling to accept current yourself.
You might feel you just spoiling yourself not doing your best.
That's fine. It's you, too.
However, please remember that you are doing an amazing job; raising another life in your tummy and you are the only person who can protect that life.

We are always by your side for supporting you.


★★Followed by INFO in ENG★★

じょさんしONLINEの公式ブログは おおよそ以下の曜日・内容の更新です!

 ::MON:: 日本での妊娠・出産・育児in English
 ::WED:: 海外出産・シングル出産 LGBTQや障がい者の方の出産について
::THU:: はたらく女性の妊娠・出産・育児について
 ::FRI:: 帝王切開・多胎・切迫早産・悪阻が伴う 妊娠と出産と育児について
::SAT:: プレパパ&現役パパたちへのお役だち情報

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We post articles on note as below.
<MON>Info about giving birth in Japan
<WED>Info about various family styles.
<THU>Info for working mums and pregnant women.
<FRI>Info about various types of childbirth.
<THU>Info for working mums and pregnant women.
<SAT>Info for partners.
