What is"Maternity Mark"?

When you hand in the document about your pregnant to city hall or municipal office , you might be given the key chain which is designed woman and baby.
It is called "Maternity Mark" in Japan.
This mark is also often found on public transportation especially around the priority seats.
What is this mark for?
To encouraged people to kindly give pregnant women a seat or help them with carrying the stroller up the stairs or any help what they need.
It's not created for forcing people to help.
More likely just to encourage people to ask any helps.
Even in Japan, some women don't want to put that mark on.
Of course, that is your choice! No pressure at all.


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 ::MON:: 日本での妊娠・出産・育児in English
 ::WED:: 海外出産・シングル出産 LGBTQや障がい者の方の出産について
::THU:: はたらく女性の妊娠・出産・育児について
 ::FRI:: 帝王切開・多胎・切迫早産・悪阻が伴う 妊娠と出産と育児について
::SAT:: プレパパ&現役パパたちへのお役だち情報

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<MON>Info about giving birth in Japan
<WED>Info about various family styles.
<THU>Info for working mums and pregnant women.
<FRI>Info about various types of childbirth.
<THU>Info for working mums and pregnant women.
<SAT>Info for partners.
