
What would be hard to spend in autumn ?

Finally, we can see off the summer ( Actually, I can say we had the coolest summer in this year though) and welcome to lovely season, Autumn!
It's the best season to have nice exercise such as walking around your neighbour or even hiking in the weekend.
For some, however, might have annoy symptoms of hay fever due to the rice or ragweed pollen.
It is said the symptoms from above would be severe than ceder pollen.
Symptoms itself is almost the same as usual pollen allergies.
- sneezing.
-itchy and runny nose.
-red, itchy and watery eyes.
-itchy roof of the mouth or throat.
-congestion of the nose.
-blocked sinuses.
-extreme tiredness.
If you feel something wrong, ask to your doctor or midwife.


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