




I’m Lasairfhíona, a singer/songwriter from Inis Oírr, the smallest of the Aran Islands, situated in beautiful Galway Bay, Ireland. I released my solo albums ‘An Raicín Álainn’ and ‘Flame of Wine’ independently and generated a very favourable response in Ireland and abroad. I performed in prestigious venues like the National Concert Hall, Dublin, Town Hall Theatre, Galway and The Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland.

I recorded new songs in 2012 and had hoped to release the album that same year. Unfortunately, in April 2012, I was diagnosed with breast cancer while 5 months pregnant. The last few years were tough, challenging, and at times, bleak. Luckily for me, I have had the constant support of a loving family and the daily joys that a happy, healthy daughter brings. I am grateful to say that the cancer is now in remission.

I’m very thankful to have my health back again. However, managing the cost of cancer treatment was expensive and I have spent the money I had saved to make my album healing my body.

The songs I recorded for this album mean so much to me. They gave me hope while I healed. I’m looking forward to the album’s completion, getting back into music and singing and to performing for you all again.

Through Fundit.ie I hope you'll support this project and you can take your pick of the rewards on offer! The money raised through the campaign will pay for the mixing, mastering, artwork, photography, album duplication, a new website design and marketing of the record.

I wish you love, good health and happiness. Thank you for helping make the completion of my new album a reality.







いちばん好きな歌のひとつ 'Casadh an tSúgáin'.



Is amhránaí ó Inis Oírr mé agus tá súil agam mo dhlúthdhiosca nua a chríochnú i mbliaina. Chas mé in ionaid ceoil iomráiteacha in Éirinn agus thar lear, mar shampla An Ceoláras Náisiúnta, Baile Átha Cliath, Amharclann na Cathrach, Gaillimh agus ag Féile Snagcheoil Montreux san Eilvéis.

Thaifead mé na hamhráin don tionscamhi 2012 agus bhí sé i gceist agam dlúthdhiosca a eisiú an bhlian chéanna, ach faraoir diagnóisíodh le hailse mé agus mé ag iompair clainne. Bhí sé deacair le cúpla bliain, ach táim fíorbhíoch go bhfuilim sláintúil arís, go bhfuil m’iníon slántúil freisin agus don tacaíocht a fuair mé ó mo chlann. Mar sin fhéin bhí coir leighis agus forlíon cothaithe daor agus dá bharr, níl an t-airgead agam leis an albam a chríochnú.

Tá mé an-ríméadach faoin taifead, thug sé dóchas dhom agus mé ag leigheas.Tá mé ag súil go mór le é a chríochnú, filleadh ar an gceol agus ar an amhránaíocht agus castáil leat arís. Bheinn buíoch dá bhféadfá tacaíocht a thabhairt don tionscamh agus gheobhaidh tú do rogha de dhuaiseanna atá ar fáil!

Leis an tacaíocht a gheobhaidhmé, beidh mé in ann íoc as an meascadh, máistriú, saotharealaíne, grianghrafadóireacht, albaim a dhúbailt, láithreán gréasáin a dhearadh agus margaíocht a dhéanamhar an taifead.

Guímgrá, sláinte mhaith agus sonas ort. Míle buíochas.

#アイルランド #歌 #基金 #ラサリーナ #CD
