It's a weight off my shoulders!

ここのところ、2分間スピーチと称し、スピーキング練習の一つとして、今日の出来事やレッスンでうまく話せなかったことなどを英作文して流ちょうに話せるようになるまで練習→動画に撮っています。"Hi, there. It's Yuki"で始めて、YouTuberばりにノリノリで話してる笑。

I asked Daniel, an American, my language exchange friend, about a point made by a Serbian teacher in yesterday's lesson that I did not agree with. I was asked about the advantage of shopping at a store compared to that online in the lesson. I answered I can try on clothes to see how they look on me and make sure they fit before buying them.
And surprisingly, the teacher said I should say "it" instead of ”they” or “them”. Moreover, she said, "they" is basically used for people, so if you want to say about clothes, you should say “it”.
I was surprised and thought it was wrong. I tried to refute but couldn’t have her understand. So I felt so frustrated, but Daniel was like, it’s Ok and you’re right.
I felt so refreshed to hear that! And I was taught by him the phrase, It's a weight off my shoulders. It's truly a weight off my shoulders!

それを聞いて、すごくスッキリした。そして、ダニエルに教えてもらったのが、It's a weight off my shoulders (肩の荷が下りた→すっきりした)という表現。
A weight was lifted off my shoulders. というふうにも言える。



