
Not a minimalist, a 'simplist'. / ミニマリストではなく、「シンプリスト」。

For four years I have been interested in minimalism.

Four years ago I was so burnt-out from work stress that all I could do was cry and go straight to bed after work before waking up and having to go to work again. I had no energy to do anything, let alone clean. Thankfully my husband took on this responsibility whilst I was lost in deep stress.

Over time, a few things helped me, including meditation. At that time I also wanted to watch soothing videos on YouTube as a form of 'escapism' and I found a number of minimalist YouTube videos.

I was fascinated with the simplicity of minimalism; not having to spend a lot of time choosing between what to use or wear because all that a minimalist had was what they only truly needed. Appreciating the small beauty around us and fully taking time to consider the moment.

I thought being a minimalist was too 'brutal' for me but I found it inspirational. Over time, I became aware of Japanese minimalists and came across the idea of living life through simplicity. It was a sort of minimalism, but not as 'extreme'.

I liked the idea of only having what I needed in my home, it would make decision making and cleaning much easier. Also my home would become less cluttered and a much more calming place.

Four years' later my husband is also beginning to appreciate the simplicity we have cultivated in our home. Every few months we go through all of our drawers and cupboards and donate or recycle anything we no longer use. It is a practice that I have come to look forward to; I feel excited to see more space appear when we say goodbye to another item, keeping only what we truly need or cherish.

Cleaning takes little time now and we take better care of the few things we own. I wouldn't say we are minimalists, but 'simplists'. Wanting to live a simple life with little drama and complexity in our lives. 









