Tata T.


Tata T.



  • Language Learning

  • Books/Audiobooks

  • Movies/Dramas

  • English Grammar

    Language Learning の記事から英文法に関するものだけ独立させました。


10/14/24 - Shrinkflation

While looking for cocoa powder on the Amazon website, I found the same product I bought last year. However, it contained only 400g. I remembered buying a 500g package, so I kept searching and eventually found a 500g package of cocoa.  Both

    • 10/13/24 - Rice shortage #2

      We buy rice through the COOP delivery system because carrying a 5-kg bag of rice has become too hard as I get older. Although the rice shortage issue at the supermarket seems to have been resolved, only a limited number of people can curren

      • 10/12/24 - "borrow" and "lend"

        I have been studying French on Skype since last month with a Quebecoise teacher, whom I used to teach Japanese. Although I can read French to some extent, I have no opportunity to speak it, so I asked her early last month if she was interes

        • 10/11/24 - Lunch in Yokohama

          My asthma symptoms significantly improved compared to yesterday, with much fewer coughs. However, I'm not sure if holding my breath longer than usual after inhaling the powder-type medicine worked, or if it was simply because the weather wa

        10/14/24 - Shrinkflation


        • Language Learning
        • Books/Audiobooks
        • Movies/Dramas
        • English Grammar


          10/10/24 - Feeling under the weather

          The temperatures have been fluctuating so frequently these days that I'm feeling a bit under the weather. I have asthma, so every time I cough than usual I worry that my condition might worsen. However, compared to when I used to work in th

          10/10/24 - Feeling under the weather

          10/9/24 - Read a short story for children in French

          I read a short story from the French ebook I purchased two days ago. It was longer than I had thought and took me almost one hour to finish, including the time I spent jotting down some new words and phrases I wanted to learn in my vocabula

          10/9/24 - Read a short story for children in French

          10/8/24 - Short stories for beginners

          After purchasing a Kindle ebook for 0 yen yesterday, I continued searching for bargain books. I was curious to see if there were any French books on sale, so I selected the "French language" option. I found a book of short stories for chil

          10/8/24 - Short stories for beginners

          10/7/24 - O yen Kindle ebook

          While browsing for bargain ebooks, I happened to notice "Of Mice and Men" selling for 0 yen. Although I was unsure if I had read this famous John Steinbeck book, I clicked the purchase button. I was relieved to receive a confirmation email

          10/7/24 - O yen Kindle ebook

          10/6/24 - 「淪落の人」"(Still Human)"

          Today, I watched a film whose English title was "Still Human." The main characters are a disabled man in Canton and his live-in caregiver who came to work from the Philippines. The story is about their growing friendship and mutual respect,

          10/6/24 - 「淪落の人」"(Still Human)"

          10/5/24 - Using subtitles

          Last week, I found a YouTube video for learning French. The YouTuber recommended turning on the subtitles to help the viewers learn French more effectively, so I enabled the French subtitles. Even though she spoke clearly and slowly enough

          10/5/24 - Using subtitles

          10/4/24 - Clearing trees

          Today, on my way to the supermarket, I noticed three or four trees were missing from my neighbor's garden. An elderly couple used to live in the house, but recently the husband passed away and only the wife lives there. The trees were proba

          10/4/24 - Clearing trees

          10/3/24 - Tried listening to advanced levels

          Even though I had decided not to listen to the advanced levels of the French and Spanish NHK radio language programs, I gave them a try today. Both programs seemed to focus on reading skills. However, the Spanish instructor spoke at a slo

          10/3/24 - Tried listening to advanced levels

          10/2/24 - Throwing away brand-new items

          I enjoy watching a TV program in which people declutter their homes. Last night's episode showed a 64-year-old woman who lost her mother and husband recently and lived alone. She wanted to renovate her house so she could live more comforta

          10/2/24 - Throwing away brand-new items

          10/1/24 - Not having a Japanese translation

          Today, I listened to audio files of my French vocabulary book for the first time in a few months. Although the beginner-level book included a Japanese translation, this intermediate-level book only has French recordings. The narrator reads

          10/1/24 - Not having a Japanese translation

          9/30/24 - Cacao shortage

           I watched a news report about chocolate prices rising due to the cacao shortage this year. Although I'm not a chocoholic, I often eat dark chocolate when I crave something sweet because I heard it doesn't spike blood sugar levels, so the n

          9/30/24 - Cacao shortage

          9/29/30 - Gardening again

          Today, it was cool enough to work outside, so I trimmed some long stems of the flowers. This summer was too hot for gardening outside, and many plants and weeds have grown too large. Sometimes I don't feel like gardening; other times it is

          9/29/30 - Gardening again