
10/5/24 - Using subtitles

Last week, I found a YouTube video for learning French. The YouTuber recommended turning on the subtitles to help the viewers learn French more effectively, so I enabled the French subtitles.

Even though she spoke clearly and slowly enough, it was challenging to read the French subtitles. My eyes started to hurt, and I found myself focusing on reading instead of listening to her French, so I gave up watching it.

Still, since I wanted to improve my listening skills, I tried using English subtitles today. I was able to understand what she was saying much better while focusing on her French. I felt that I could learn a lot more with English subtitles than with French ones. If I had watched it again with French subtitles, it might have been more effective.

Some people suggest watching foreign films and dramas with subtitles in their original language, but it didn't seem to work for me.

P.S. よさそうなフランス語のYouTubeを見つけました。YouTuberの女性が字幕をONにすることを勧めていたので字幕 (subtitles) を表示しながら観ましたが、目が痛くなり始めたうえ、字幕を読むのに必死であまりきちんと聴いていないことに気付き、観るのをあきらめました。



*recommend -ing: ーすることを勧める
→ 「recommend 人 to 不定詞」という言い方より、recommend -ing または recommend that SV(動詞の原形)~の形の方が自然なようです。

*enable (v): 有効にする、ONにする
*fing myself -ing: 自分が―していることに気付く
*instead of A: Aの代わりに
*Still, : それでも、それでもなお
*try -ing: ためしにーしてみる
*If I had watched …, it might have been ~: もし私が...を観ていたら、~だったかもしれない(仮定法過去完了)←でもしていなかったので。
*suggest -ing: ーすることを提案する、軽く勧める
*work (v) for A: Aにはうまくいかない
