



Topic: Can we co-exist with artificial intelligence?
I think we can co-exist with AI. Here are two reasons which support my opinion. Firstly, decision is eternally on hand of human. Though many people believe AI will replace majority of white color work, AI won't replace decision making. Decicsion is always need owner of responsibilty for the result which are made by the decision. People do not eat foods of which quality is validated by AI. I won't choose AI certified food for child since I cannot blame anyone in case of failure. Secondly, we will never replace human to human interface. Face to face conversation contains multiple amount of information compare with voice or text conversation which AI can handle. With large mount of both consioused and unconsiouced information, we deeply feel someone's emotion by resonating our emotion. I cannot ask AI counselling since I cannot resonate with it. Only human can do it. Instead, I recommend use AI as assistant to make better decision. For example, ask AI to suggest several options of decision, by giving circumstance datas and criteria. AI will help to ease the complexicy into well organized structure. In the ideal world we are co-exist with AI, human's role is asking right question, not answer right.



 I believe that co-existing with AI is feasible (主節 "I believe" に続いて、 "that" で従属節を導入し、主張を明確に表現しています), and here are two key reasons to support this view (接続詞 "and" で前述の主張を補完し、"here are two key reasons" で支持する理由を提示しています).
 First, the ultimate decision-making power remains with humans (この文では、主題を先に述べ "First," で順序を示し、"the ultimate decision-making power" というフレーズで重要なポイントを強調しています). Despite common concerns that AI might take over a large portion of white-collar jobs, it is unlikely to usurp the human role in decision-making (接続詞 "Despite" で対比を示し、"it is unlikely to" でAIが人間の役割を奪う可能性が低いことを表現しています). Decisions invariably require someone to take responsibility for their outcomes (この文は、一般的な事実を述べるため "Decisions invariably require" という構文を用いています). For instance, many people are hesitant to trust the quality of food validated solely by AI (例示を用いるため "For instance," を先頭に置き、"hesitant to" というイディオムを用いて躊躇する様子を表現しています). Personally, I would not opt for AI-certified food for my child, as there is no accountability in the event of a failure (個人的な選択を示すため "Personally, I would not" を用い、"as" で理由を述べています).
 Second, the irreplaceable nature of human-to-human interaction is another factor (ここでは "Second," で二つ目のポイントに移り、"the irreplaceable nature" で人間同士の交流の重要性を強調しています). Face-to-face communication conveys far more information than voice or text interactions, which are within AI's capabilities (比較構造 "far more than" を用いて、対面コミュニケーションの優位性を強調し、"which are within AI's capabilities" でAIの能力を限定しています). This richness of communication, loaded with both conscious and unconscious cues, allows us to deeply perceive and resonate with another person's emotions (この文では、コミュニケーションの豊かさを "richness of communication" で表し、"allows us to" でその影響を説明しています). This is something I find lacking in AI, such as when seeking counseling – it's impossible to resonate emotionally with an AI (AIの限界を示すため "This is something I find lacking in AI" と表現し、具体例として "when seeking counseling" を挙げています).
 Instead of replacing humans, I propose utilizing AI as a tool to enhance decision-making (この文では、代替案を提示するために "Instead of replacing humans, I propose" という構文を使用しています). For example, AI can be used to suggest various decision options by analyzing data and criteria, thereby simplifying complexity into a well-organized structure (例を挙げるために "For example," を使用し、AIの具体的な利用方法を説明しています).
 In an ideal scenario where we coexist with AI, the human role would be to pose the right questions rather than providing the answers (理想的な共存を描くために "In an ideal scenario" というフレーズを使用し、"would be to" で潜在的な役割を示唆しています).


