
Symptoms Related to Blood Cancer

Blood cancer is a Hematologic malignancy that affects bone marrow, blood, and lymph nodes. Blood cancer, in many cases, starts within the bone marrow. Bone mar…

Matt Hank

Childhood Leukemia

Leukemia — Cancer of blood is called Leukemia. It develops in the bone marrow. Bone marrow is a soft inner part of the bone (such as thigh and hip bone) where …

Matt Hank

How does Ketosis differ from average weight loss?

The traditional way of losing weight The traditional method includes burning excess calories by doing regular exercise. In this method, plenty of protein & fi…

Matt Hank

Wellness Therapy

What is wellness?Wellness is a combination of good physical and emotional health sustained by a healthy lifestyle. It is related to our nutrition, physical, men…

Matt Hank

5 Causes of Back Pain & its Treatment

Back pain or stiff back is one of the most common problems now, which can sometimes be very frustrating. One has to know the reasons for back pain before going …

Matt Hank

Prediabetes — Alarm to prevent type 2 diabetes

Prediabetes is a condition where the blood sugar is higher than usual but not higher enough to be classified as Type 2 diabetes. If it goes unchecked, it will l…

Matt Hank

How to grow your Medical Practice?

What is the biggest challenge a doctor may face while starting a medical practice after years of medical training? A doctor needs to have a steady flow of patie…

Matt Hank
Symptoms Related to Blood Cancer

Symptoms Related to Blood Cancer

Blood cancer is a Hematologic malignancy that affects bone marrow, blood, and lymph nodes. Blood cancer, in many cases, starts within the bone marrow.
Bone marrow is the inner hollow spongy part of l

Childhood Leukemia

Childhood Leukemia

Leukemia — Cancer of blood is called Leukemia. It develops in the bone marrow. Bone marrow is a soft inner part of the bone (such as thigh and hip bone) where new RBC, WBC & Platelets are formed.


How does Ketosis differ from average weight loss?

How does Ketosis differ from average weight loss?

The traditional way of losing weight

The traditional method includes burning excess calories by doing regular exercise. In this method, plenty of protein & fiber-rich food is taken. Protein also pla

Wellness Therapy

Wellness Therapy

What is wellness?Wellness is a combination of good physical and emotional health sustained by a healthy lifestyle. It is related to our nutrition, physical, mental health, spirituality, lifestyle, cul

5 Causes of Back Pain & its Treatment

5 Causes of Back Pain & its Treatment

Back pain or stiff back is one of the most common problems now, which can sometimes be very frustrating. One has to know the reasons for back pain before going for the remedy.

There can be ma

Prediabetes — Alarm to prevent type 2 diabetes

Prediabetes — Alarm to prevent type 2 diabetes

Prediabetes is a condition where the blood sugar is higher than usual but not higher enough to be classified as Type 2 diabetes. If it goes unchecked, it will lead to type 2 diabetes and related medic

How to grow your Medical Practice?

How to grow your Medical Practice?

What is the biggest challenge a doctor may face while starting a medical practice after years of medical training? A doctor needs to have a steady flow of patients and to maintain good relation with t
