
Hey Copilot! "Fly me to the moon. Let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like. On a-Jupiter and Mars. In other words, ..."

2/1 は何の日? 知らない。でも、朝、PCにログインして、いつも通り、Windows ボタンを推したら、さりげなく宇宙に招待してくれる New Bing ちゃんがいた😊ので、誘われるままに、火星のスペースポートへと旅立ってみましたー( ;∀;)/

New Bing ちゃんが、すごく上手に、気合の入った💦宇宙観のある絵画を描いてくれた。
この note で皆さんにお披露目したいと思います🥹

Blue Light Mars


Hey Copilot! "Fly me to the moon. Let me play among the stars. Let me see what spring is like. On a-Jupiter and Mars. In other words, ..."

もうっ、ワタシったら、New Bing ちゃん🤖の… 何なの(*'▽')💛🚀

なお、画像は、Microsoft Windows の Copilot が、Dall-E 3 を使用して作成しました。32枚の美しい火星の風景画をご覧ください!

32 images of "Space port on Mars"

created by Image Creator powered by DALL E 3. 
You can see the beauty when you view it in full screen.

32 images of "Space port on Mars" created by Image Creator powered by DALL E 3. #note...

Posted by 滝沢幸穂 on Friday, February 23, 2024

32 images of "Space port on Mars"

Space port on Mars 01/32
Space port on Mars 02/32

Sliding Tiles Puzzle:
Tap the link here. Please enjoy it! ✻Hint: Let's complete the image above.

Ruwix.com sliding-15-puzzle Mars 02/32


Space port on Mars 03/32
Space port on Mars 04/32
Space port on Mars 05/32
Space port on Mars 06/32
Space port on Mars 07/32
Space port on Mars 08/32
Space port on Mars 09/32
Space port on Mars 10/32
Space port on Mars 11/32
Space port on Mars 12/32
Space port on Mars 13/32
Space port on Mars 14/32
Space port on Mars 15/32
Space port on Mars 16/32
Space port on Mars 17/32
Space port on Mars 18/32

Returning to Earth
for the first time in several years,
I hurriedly finished my errands
and headed home.

After a 24-hour transit on the Moon,
it will enter orbit for its final home,


Blue, blue, blue light, Mars.
When looking at the spaceport from above,

Feel the victory of humanity.


Space port on Mars 19/32
Space port on Mars 20/32

Sliding Tiles Puzzle:
Tap the link here. Please enjoy it! ✻Hint: Let's complete the image above.

Ruwix.com sliding-15-puzzle Mars 20/32


Space port on Mars 21/32
Space port on Mars 22/32
Space port on Mars 23/32
Space port on Mars 24/32
Space port on Mars 25/32
Space port on Mars 26/32
Space port on Mars 27/32
Space port on Mars 28/32
Space port on Mars 29/32
Space port on Mars 30/32
Space port on Mars 31/32
Space port on Mars 32/32


Content Policy は、Microsoft Image Creator from Designer に準じます。

1セット目(No. 1-4)

What is it? Wow, I connected with Mars. My New Bing space service has been launched.
In terms of novelty of design and composition, I like this Mars spaceport landscape the most. What "monumental great name" do you think this spaceport has?

Space port on Mars 02/32

This is an example of a novel design and composition that is artistically excellent. It is also beautiful to depict a distant galaxy in the dark space of outer space. The design is interesting, with a large red star and a circular artificial building that overlaps geometrically. The balance between areas depicted in precision and areas depicted as space is beautiful. The contrast between how orange light and blue light are depicted overlaps with ideas found in Japanese paintings and ukiyo-e from the Edo period, for example. This painting may simply have the taste of paintings by multiple artists that I like.

2セット目(No. 5-8)

3セット目(No. 9-12)

4セット目(No. 13-16)

5セット目(No. 17-20)

Blue, Blue, Blue Light Mars🚀
One of my favorites is Blue Light Mars...
Excellent balance of blue and red colors.

Space port on Mars 17/32
Space port on Mars 19/32
Twitter @Mats_blnt_pharm https://twitter.com/Mats_blnt_pharm/status/1753734541003600294/photo/1
Twitter @YukihoTakizawa https://twitter.com/YukihoTakizawa/status/1753787583807840675
Space port on Mars 20/32

6セット目(No. 21-24)

7セット目(No. 25-28)

8セット目(No. 29-32)

New Bing ちゃん😽

Love this texture. This morning's image generation AI did creative work that satisfies the pride and requirements of the intelligentsia. If they have this quality, they can be called the "artificial intellectual class". I love it






matsunoya diary|matsunoya|note
🖇 matsunoya diary 🖇

よろしかったら、こちらもどうぞ( ;∀;)/

Image Creator で油絵を描く|ドアとひまわりの在る風景 - 或いは, 1890年代の夏, 1910年代の夏 -|matsunoya

昨日見たオープンカフェの風景をImage Creator で再現する|matsunoya

New Bing Chat を使って静物画を生成する|Image Creator powered by DALL E|matsunoya

New Bing Image Creator で野生動物写真をフィーチャーする|matsunoya

Sliding Tiles Puzzle|Matsunoya_Room




医療、健康分野のリカレント教育における「最強コンテンツ」を note で誰でもいつでも学習できる、 https://note.com/matsunoya_note はそんな場にしたい。あなたのサポートがあれば、それは可能です。サポート感謝します!松廼屋 matsunoya