
医学英単語を物語で学ぶ 【第1章】生命を支える「細胞」の秘密 




【Chapter 1】 The Secret of Cells that Support Life.

One day in the laboratory, Dr. Smith was studying the secrets of cells, the smallest units that make up all living organisms. As a cell biologist, he was fascinated by the complexity and versatility of these tiny building blocks of life.

Dr. Smith was studying the DNA in the nucleus of the cell, which contains the genetic code that determines the characteristics of every living thing. He was amazed at how such a small molecule could contain so much information. He was also studying the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell that convert food into energy.

As he was observing the cells under the microscope, he noticed that some of the cells seemed to be behaving strangely. They were growing at an abnormal rate and seemed to be multiplying much faster than the others. Dr. Smith knew that this could be a sign of cancer.

He immediately called his colleague, Dr. Johnson, who was an expert in cancer research. Together, they analyzed the cells and found that they were indeed cancerous. They realized that cancer was caused by the mutation of genes within the DNA, which caused the cells to grow and divide uncontrollably.

This discovery opened up a whole new field of research for Dr. Smith and Dr. Johnson. They worked tirelessly to find ways to stop the growth of cancer cells and prevent the disease from spreading. Their work ultimately led to the development of new treatments and therapies that saved countless lives.

Through their research, Dr. Smith and Dr. Johnson gained a greater understanding of the secrets of cells and the crucial role they play in our health and well-being. They were grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in the world and to contribute to the greater good.








laboratory: 研究室
cell: 細胞
smallest units: 最小単位
living organisms: 生物
cell biologist: 細胞生物学者
complexity: 複雑性
versatility: 変化に富む性質
tiny building blocks: 小さな構成要素
DNA: デオキシリボ核酸
nucleus: 細胞核
genetic code: 遺伝子情報
characteristics: 特性
molecule: 分子
information: 情報
mitochondria: ミトコンドリア
powerhouses: 動力源
convert: 変換する
food: 食物
energy: エネルギー
observing: 観察する
microscope: 顕微鏡
behaving: 振る舞う
growing: 成長する
abnormal rate: 異常な速度
multiplying: 増殖する
sign: 兆候
cancer: 癌
colleague: 同僚
expert: 専門家
cancer research: 癌研究
analyzed: 分析する
cancerous: 癌細胞の
mutation: 突然変異
genes: 遺伝子
uncontrollably: 制御不能に
discovery: 発見
field of research: 研究分野
stop: 止める
prevent: 防ぐ
disease: 病気
spreading: 広がる
development: 開発
treatments: 治療法
therapies: 療法
saved: 救った
countless lives: 無数の命
greater understanding: より深い理解
secrets: 秘密
crucial role: 重要な役割
health: 健康
well-being: 幸福感
grateful: 感謝している
opportunity: 機会
make a difference: 変革をもたらす
contribute: 貢献する
greater good: 大義のため
