





Today, I'd like to talk about the racial discrimination of Aboriginal Australians.
Let me begin by telling you about Samara, who is a 3-year-old Aboriginal Australian. She loves Disney movies and her favorite one is "Frozen". One day, she went to the shopping mall to go to a Disney-themed children's event. She dressed as Queen Elsa from "Frozen", and waited 2 hours in line with her mother. Suddenly, the lady in front of them turned around and said to Samara, ‘I don’t know why you’re dressed up for because Queen Elsa isn’t black’. Her mother asked the woman what she meant by the comment, but she pointed at Samara and said ‘you’re black and black is ugly’. Samara started crying.
When I heard that news, I felt deeply sad because this illustrates that racism still exists in Australia. Why does a 3-year-old girl have to suffer discrimination? Today, Australia has adopted a multiculturalism policy, but in the 18th century, a white Australia policy, allowed white people to discriminate and exclude blacks, was accepted.
Aboriginal Australians are indigenous people who lived in Australia. They had many tribes, which spoke different languages for each tribe. They made special instruments called Didgeridoo, used for rituals and ceremonies. Also, they painted mural paintings called 'Aboriginal Art'. Their culture is said to be the oldest existing culture in the world now.
In 1770, Captain Cook from Scotland found the continent of Australia. After that, the leaders of the U.K. decided to make it a British colony. When the United Kingdom colonized Australia, the colonists were mostly Caucasian, so aboriginal Australians must obey them because white-colored people seemed superior to than aboriginal people. Caucasians started to colonize Australia and killed many Aboriginal Australians, because they couldn't understand what aboriginal people were saying. There was a diary of a white colonist in the Library of South Wales which has the following sentence written in it: "I went on an Aboriginal hunt and killed 17 today".
In the 19th century, sugar plantations increased and white people follows the practice of Black birding, which is the practice of kidnapping Pacific Islanders and using them as forced labor, in particular on sugar and cotton plantations in Australia.
In 1901, Australia became independent from United Kingdom and established an Australian government. However, the white Australia policy was continued until the 1970s.
In 1920, the Australian government started racial segregation between Aborigines and Caucasians. Since then, Aboriginal children were separated from their parents and were raised not knowing about Aboriginal culture. They are called 'the Stolen Generation'.
After World War II, the government changed to multiculturalism, because a lot of Asian immigrants came to Australia in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1975, the Australian government established 'the Racial Discrimination Act', so the white Australia policy was abolished. However, it is nearly impossible to find original Aboriginal culture now. Most tribes have disappeared, and the remaining Aboriginal people grew up not experiencing the culture. Therefore, we should care about the few Aborigines and their cultures, and know about those who are hurt by racial discrimination.
It is said to know that racial discrimination still exists in Australia and other places in the world.
We should value their culture, and it should never be destroyed. To do that, it is important to understand each other and acknowledge the differences. I hope that all the Australian Aborigines will not despise like Samara, so that they can coexist with many people.


