

27日深夜0:30就寝。何者から逃げる夢を観たりしながら早朝6時くらいに目が覚めるが前日の比にならないほどの吐き気に襲われていた。群発頭痛にはまだ至っていないがこれほどまでの吐き気に襲われたのは初めてで少し不安になった。一度起きてデスクトップMacの電源をOnし気象ニュースを見てみることにした。日本列島付近の気象マップの東京付近には巨大な台風の渦が流れるように渦巻いている。何故今回の台風が体に堪えるのか?台風の進路予想をよくよく見てみるとめちゃめちゃ進路速度が遅いのだ。それはイコール停滞しているのだ。それを認識した途端目眩がして気が遠くなってしまった。今日の夕方には歯科検診があるので体調が復調するのかとても心配だった。果たしてこの台風が過ぎれば体調は良くなるのでしょうか?神のみぞ知る。そう思いながら二度寝に向かった。船酔いのような目眩と強烈な吐き気をなんとか紛らわして眠りにつくためにアンビエントミュージックを小さな音でかけたら症状を緩和できるかもしれないと閃いた。アンビエントミュージックは音楽の形をした薬のようなもの。今日選んだアンビエントなアルバムはSteve Roachの「Structures From Silence」(1984)。直訳すると「静寂からの構造」になるだろうか。ジャケットは宇宙空間に浮遊する11個のカラフルな正八面体が印象的で音楽ジャンルでいうとスペースアンビエントに分類されている。




Struggle of Cluster Headache ③ [Structures From Silence]

Went to bed at 0:30am on the 27th. I woke up at about 6:00 a.m., dreaming that I was being escaped from someone, but I was more nauseous than I had been the day before. I hadn't had a cluster headache yet, but it was the first time I'd ever felt so nauseous, and it made me a little nervous. Once I woke up, I turned on my desktop Mac and decided to check the weather news. There was a huge typhoon swirling around Tokyo on the weather map of the Japanese archipelago. Why is this typhoon so hard on my body? If you look at the forecast of the typhoon's path carefully, you will see that it is going very slowly. That means it is stagnating. As soon as I realized this, I felt dizzy and faint. I had a dental checkup at the ward this evening, so I was very worried about whether my health would recover. Will my condition improve after this typhoon passes? God only knows. With that in mind, I headed for a nap. It occurred to me that playing a little ambient music might alleviate the dizziness and intense nausea I was feeling. Ambient music is like medicine in the form of music. The ambient album I chose today is Steve Roach's "Structures From Silence" (1984). The translation would be "静寂からの構造". The cover of the album features eleven colorful octahedrons floating in space, and is classified as space ambient.

When you listen to it while taking a deep breath and letting your mind calm down, you will feel as if you are lying in a transparent octahedral capsule floating in space. After a while, I fell asleep out of the frame of sleep.

I woke up at noon, but the dizziness and nausea were still the worst. I thought it didn't work, but when I checked the weather map again, the typhoon was still lingering right below Tokyo. I checked the weather map again and found that the typhoon was still lingering right below Tokyo. I took a shower before 3 p.m. and got ready to go out. I took a shower before 3:00 p.m. and got ready to go out, although I still felt uneasy. The checkup took about an hour because I had to have a teeth cleaning. By the time I left the dentist's office, the nausea had mysteriously subsided somewhat and I was on my way home. I was very hungry since I had only had banana juice in the morning. I've been thinking that I need to pay attention to my trigger foods, but I haven't been diligent yet. I haven't had a headache yet this year. Miraculously.
