精神病患者とバスケット・ケースについて(About Mentally Ill People And Basket Cases)


by HP Hooded Cobra 666 -Mon Jul 05, 2021 7:42 pm


補足: バスケットケース

In the JoS and over the years [and all the "alternative space"], but also, the real world, there have been quite a few people who have had mental illness.


Mental illness is like physical illness, and like it, some of it can be cured, and some cannot. Oftentimes none of this is intentional, and it just happens. Rarely, people might cause this to themselves without understanding it, too, which is why void and mental control is advised heavily for those who want to meditate.


This is not however about simply mental or emotional things that can be fixed.


We are not talking some minor things, which possibly most people have nowadays, such as depression, mild or autism, mild or severe anger issues, or something of the sort. All of these are for the most part normal traits and situations that can occur within any human being that is absolutely sane.


We are talking here about serious crazy cases with full blown schizophrenia and other things. The jews have their extreme share of these too. While these may fiddle with spirituality or try to use something such as our beliefs to justify things that happen to them [whatever], this has nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism.


In the JoS there is a warning for these people about meditation and so on, and where this can lead. Most of these people are undiagnosed, and even if everyone knows this is the case, they somehow refuse it themselves.


Oftentimes, these people don't listen at all to third parties or other people. Anyone who has been around people with such severe mental illnesses, would know. The differences are not many from your average crazy person in the street, that tells you aliens abducted them and that this is the reason they are as they are.


The other common story is how aliens have injected them with alien serum, or how they have installed an antenna into their head, or who knows what else. Speak with your local meth head and you will hear a lot of this.


None of these are spiritual tendencies, an open spiritual mind, or anything of the sort. As many people are newbies and they can't understand the difference, this can be confusing to ascertain. But after a point, you will know.


While many people think that most of these are just "insane", many of these aren't always insane, and they have lapses. Eventually, they might go full time schizophrenic if not treated, or the situation is not controlled.


Given any context of any theory, the way they internalize this theory, is going to be crazy. Christianity had oftentimes millions of schizophrenics and insane people, who formed cults, suicide themselves to reach the "Rupture of God", and all sorts of other things.


This came from the biggest lie that christianity has made up, that the "material world" is "evil" and "corrupted". People hated this world so much, they wanted to leave, and construct their own "Marxist Socialist Utopia".


Look up your local Protestant Church or the Guyana cult, which staged mass suicide for their members, under the control of Reverend Jim Jones, who took Christians into a Jungle, and promised them to build a utopia there, later leading them to suicide by making them drink poison. 918 people followed through with this. The Guyana cult was known as a "Christian Socialist" cult.


In regards to what this was: "Named after their leader, the Reverend Jim Jones, founder of the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ, Jonestown was envisaged as a “rainbow family” of all ages and races, working towards the utopia the preacher had promised them: “Divine principles. Total equality. A society where people own all things in common, where there is no rich or poor, where there are no races.”

人民寺院(the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ)の創設者であるジム・ジョーンズ牧師にちなんで名付けられた、ジョーンズタウンでは、年齢や人種を問わず、説教師が約束したユートピアを目指して働く「レインボーファミリー」が想定されていました。
「”神の原理 "とは。完全な平等。人々がすべてのものを共通に所有し、金持ちも貧乏人もなく、人種もない社会。」

補足: 人民寺院(the Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ)

The above is basically "What greys would tell someone insane, 101 tutorial". These are the things we are fighting against.


Needless to say, nothing of the above is "spiritual".


None of the above constitutes spiritual experience. If you hear strange things from people [not strange as in awkward, but strange as in totally insane], do not pay much attention on what "Satan" and "Gods" are being used, because a person is insane.


Types like Tim Jones can exist in every place, and are not exclusive to xians. They exist everywhere.


Now, real dangers reside when people get on board with these people. Generally these people want to at all costs cling to other people and partake into these things, at all costs. Sometimes they succeed, such as in the Guyana cult.


I've seen that happen too, even here, with some people in the past, who were trying to snatch people from the forums and turn them into strange Covens.


Thankfully, none died or any serious material harm came to anyone [except of the cult leaders which were later...had to do a meeting with the Gods, I guess, for harming their followers].


However, many lost their sanity or Satanic footing for many years, and wasted a lot of time and energy, getting nowhere. Others left Spiritual Satanism as they couldn't fathom how this happened to them, but it was their fault - they didn't listen to JoS and certainly didn't listen to the warnings issued on them.


Many don't understand also, that these individuals, except of being jews 99% of the time [and therefore carrying the curses of the enemy on them], that they have strong connections can also affect other people and bring them into this insanity, and weak minds can be affected and highly damaged.


Having met about dozens of these over the years, these definitely will be the first to sic in one's coven, do their utmost to convince others, and so on.


One quite known jewish case here, spoke frequently around how the Gods were visiting them with motorbikes, while another one, was repeating how the all the Gods of Hell were lining up to have sex with them. They also didn't hesitate to send me pictures to prove the fact, many years ago. They were a torn 65 something year old woman with a meth mouth.


I didn't believe that so I wasn't a True Satanist or something, and of course, I would be burning in hell shortly for my insolence. Another transexual woman, or man [again above 60 years old], was sending me "nudes" which apparently they considered I found sexy, because according to them, not replying back was because I was very interested.


Not sure if this person still lives, because they went in length on how they were doing copious amounts of drugs, and this was many years ago.


That's what many pills, not eugenics, and a society that allows and fosters insanity, do to the human mind. Another woman believed they legitimately had coffee with Asmodeus every Tuesday, and tea, for many hours on end.


Anyway, I think everyone gets the motto here.


These things needless to say, come out of people who are mentally ill. This is not to say they are more evil intended than they are insane, since, they don't seem to have much control over this. But they can be extremely harmful.


It's quite common that jews are also into these things too or promote them here. Over the years I have seen also jews constantly boosting these people, and making sure as many people would engage in this as possible. Quite a few people, as they don't know what to expect, can be affected by this.


On a more serious note now, Satan has received many curses over the centuries. Satan had to go from convening with Roman Generals, Voltaire and other people of prominence, to now having some random Zola kikes and idiots claiming they speak with Him for Sunday Tea or something.


Now, adding to a faulty rocket a lot of rocket fuel, is going to probably create a big explosion. This is the case where people who know that they are unwell and unstable, do get too much into heavy [and oftentimes totally wrong] meditations. In regards to the so called "Kundalini" that many of these people obsess into without knowing, even an accidental occurrence may make them insane, and it's a rare situation the mind will return to it's place.


This is why people who have been through a lot of ordeals, tend to tell people to clean their soul properly, get rid of blockages and of baggage, and then allow the process to go gradually and normally.


Of course, some never listen, and lose their minds. This is nobody's fault. This is also not power, but the a state of being powerless.


Lastly, another thing one has to be aware of, is that these people generally live in their own head. In some cases, schizophrenia and other similar things are followed by a complete denial of the existence of other people, their feelings, emotions, etc. They don't care.


This is why they can stab or attack people randomly, or harm people. For one's physical safety, it's important to consider these. This is not a joke.


One of these people, years ago, was sending e-mails to many people on the forum or random pretext, to try to con people to live with them. Needless to say, one person did the mistake [highly empathic person and kind], and they had to run away and change houses. They were being stalked for years, and had to endure immense problems.


Why? Because they didn't give a fuck to listen or observe the signs.


From a spiritual standpoint, these people can be controlled by enemy entities, their mind can be broken, and many other things. While these things remain possibility, one doesn't have to go THAT far to understand the dangers involved.


Inside their own head [which can go up to complete denial of reality], the amount of strange things and crazy things may have no end to it. Anyone who wants to retain their sanity and/or advance, should stay away from these people.


None of this has to do with Spiritual Satanism, the Gods, high levels of advancement or meditation, adept magicians, or anything like this. In fact, this is exactly the opposite of that.

