自由主義(リベラリズム)はキリストのいないキリスト教(Liberalism is Christianity without the Christ)


William Gayley Simpson’s Which Way Western Man?

William Gayley Simpson著『Which Way Western Man?』

Revilo Oliver

[My note “liberalism” as mentioned is secular [unconscious] xianity, this doctrine was phased [jewed]in during the enlightenment period to keep this program going as Europe was breaking free of xianity on many levels. This doctrine is what the jews centered their illuminati doctrine around which was later repackaged into an economic modality to appeal to the resentments of the industrial era and called “Communism” and later repackaged as cultural marxism but always the same old program at the core.


Just listen to a liberal yak its the same values as the cultural marxist [or xian] without the giga long political lingoism. We are seeing the morphing of xianity into pure Communism.ie Secular xianity. Communism always pushes on a liberal appeal because the core of Communism is literally the doctrine of liberalism [secular xianity] framed into a economic model. The police state and slaughter comes once the jews have centralized power and then the later stage of their formula they drop the mask, wipe out the Gentile usefool idiots and idealists who have served their purpose and before they can become jaded and turn on the hand that lead them [and the jews don’t share power].


Leaving only the jews at the top and the Goyium slaves at the bottom the way it was always planned behind the door. Communism/liberalism is unconscious xianity and can only work where xianity has planted the seed. Final proof is America had a full on cultural marxist revolution in the sixties under xian-liberal rhetoric, American flag in one hand the bible in the other:


The Jewish Communizing of America -High Priest Mageson666]

アメリカのユダヤ人による共産主義化 - HP Mageson666]



The other apostates I have mentioned, and many that are now forgotten, together with almost all of the anti-Christians of recent centuries, exemplify the operation of what may be called the law of cultural residues. In all civilized societies, when a long-established and generally accepted belief is found to be incredible, good minds abandon it, but they commonly retain derivative beliefs that were originally deduced from the creed they have rejected and logically must depend on it. Thus it happened that modern enemies of Christianity rejected the mythology, but uncritically retained faith in the social and ethical superstitions derived from it — a faith which they oddly call rational but hold with a religious fervor.

これまで私が述べたような背教者、そして今では忘れ去られた多くの背教者、さらに最近の数世紀の反キリスト教徒のほとんどすべてが、文化的残滓の法則とでも呼ばれるかもしれないものの作用を例証しているのだ。全ての文明社会では、長年にわたって確立され、一般に受け入れられてきた信条が信じられないものであることがわかると、善良な精神はそれを放棄する、しかし、彼らは一般的に、自分が拒絶した信条からもともと演繹された派生的信条を保持し、論理的にそれに依存しなければならない。こうして、現代のキリスト教の敵は、神話を否定しながらも、神話に由来する社会的・倫理的迷信を無批判に保持し続けることになった - その信仰を、彼らは奇妙なことに理性的と呼びながら、宗教的な熱意をもって抱いているのである。

They laugh at the silly story about Adam and his spare rib, but they continue to believe in a “human race” descended from a single pair of ancestors and hence in a “brotherhood of man.” They speak of “all mankind,” giving to the term an unctuous and mystic meaning with which they do not invest corresponding terms, such as “all marsupials” or “all ungulates.” They prate about the “rights of man,” although a moment’s thought should suffice to show that, in the absence of a decree from a supernatural monarch, there can be no rights other than those which the citizens of a stable and homogeneous society have, by covenant or established custom, bestowed on themselves; and that while the citizens may show kindness to aliens, slaves, and dogs, such beings obviously can have no rights.

彼らはアダムと彼の肋骨に関するばかげた話を笑うが、1組の祖先の子孫である 「人類」 を信じ、ひいては 「人類の兄弟愛」 を信じ続けている。彼らは 「全人類」 について語っており、 「全有袋類」 や 「全有蹄類」 のように、対応する用語を付与しない、不自然で神秘的な意味を用語に与えている。彼らは 「人間の権利」 についてほざいているが、超自然的な君主からの命令がなければ、安定した均質な社会の市民が、契約や確立された慣習によって、自らに与えている権利以外には、何の権利もあり得ないことを示すには、一瞬の考えで十分であろう;そして、市民は外国人や奴隷、犬に対して親切に接することができるが、そのような存在は明らかに権利を持たない可能性がある。

They do not believe that one-third of a god became incarnate in the most squalid region on earth to associate with illiterate peasants, harangue the rabble of a barbarian race, and magically exalt the ignorant and uncouth to “make folly of the wisdom of this world,” so that “the last shall be first” — that they do not believe, but they cling to the morbid hatred of superiority that makes Christians dote on whatever is lowly, inferior, irrational, debased, deformed, and degenerate.

彼らは、神の1/3が地上で最もみすぼらしい地域に化身して、読み書きのできない農民たちと交わり、野蛮な人種のやじ馬をしつこく説教し、無知で粗野な人々を魔法のように 「この世の知恵を愚かな事と思う」まで高めて、 「最後の者が最初になる」 なることを信じていないのである - 彼らは信じようとはしないが、キリスト教徒を卑しく、劣って、非合理で、堕落し、奇形で、退廃したものに溺愛させるような、優越に対する病的な憎悪にしがみついているのである。

They gabble about the “sanctity of human life” — especially the vilest forms of it — without reflecting that it takes a god creator to make something sacred. And they frantically agitate for a universal “equality” that can be attained only by reducing all human beings to the level of the lowest, evidently unaware that they are merely echoing the Christians’ oft-expressed yearning to become sheep (the most stupid of all mammals) herded by a good shepherd, which is implicit in all the tales of the New Testament, although most bluntly expressed in another gospel, which reports Jesus as promising that after he has tortured and butchered the more civilized populations of the earth, there will be a Resurrection, and his ovine pets will pop out of their graves, all of the same age, all of the same sex, all of the same stature, and all having indistinguishable features, so that they will be as identical as the bees in a swarm.[2]

彼らは「人命の神聖さ」- 特に最も下劣な形状のもの - について、何かを神聖にするためには創造主である神が必要であることを省みることなく、早口で言う。そして彼らは、すべての人間を最低のレベルに落とすことによってのみ達成される普遍的な 「平等」 のために必死に扇動している。明らかに彼らは、良い羊飼いに飼われている羊 (すべての哺乳類の中で最も愚かな羊) になりたいというキリスト教徒がよく表現する切望に単に同調しているだけにすぎなく、それは新約聖書のすべての物語に暗黙的に含まれているが、別の福音書に最も端的に表現されていることだ。その福音書は、彼らは群がる蜂のように同一になれるように、イエスが地球上のより文明的な集団を拷問して屠殺した後に復活があり、全員同じ年齢、全員同じ性別、全員同じ身長、全員区別できない特徴を持つ、彼の羊のようなペットが墓から飛び出してくることを約束したと伝えている。[2]

Although the “Liberal” and Marxist cults have doctrinal differences as great as those that separate Lutherans from Baptists, they are basically the same superstition, and whether or not we should call them religions depends on whether we restrict the word to belief in supernatural persons or extend it to include all forms of blind faith based on emotional excitement instead of observed facts and reason. When those “atheistic” cults scream out their hatred of “Fascists” and “Nazis,” they obviously must believe that those wicked persons are possessed of the Devil and should therefore be converted or exterminated to promote holiness and love. And when they see “racists,” who impiously substitute fact and reason for unthinking faith in approved fairy stories, their lust to extirpate evil is as great as that of the Christian mob that dragged the fair and too intelligent Hypatia from her carriage and lovingly used oyster shells to scrape the flesh from her bones while she was still alive.

「リベラル」 とマルクス主義のカルトは、ルター派とバプテスト派を分けるのど同じくらい大きな教義上の違いを持っているが、それらは基本的には同じ迷信であり、宗教と呼ぶかどうかは、この言葉を超自然的な人への信仰に限定するか、観察された事実や理性ではなく、感情的な興奮に基づくあらゆる形態の盲信を含むように拡大するかによるのであろう。「無神論的」 カルトが「ファシスト」や「ナチス」への憎しみを叫ぶとき、彼らは明らかに、それらの邪悪な者は悪魔に取り憑かれているので、神聖さと愛を促進するために改宗または絶滅されるべきだと信じているに違いないのです。そして、不敬に承認されたおとぎ話への無思慮な信仰を事実と理性に置き換える「差別主義者」を彼らが見たとき、悪を根絶する彼らの欲望は、公正であまりにも知的なヒパティアを馬車から引きずり出し、まだ彼女が生きている間に、彼女の骨から肉をこすり落とすために愛情込めて牡蠣殻を使ったキリスト教徒の暴徒のように大きいのである。

With very few exceptions, the anti-Christians, no doubt unwittingly, retained in their minds a large part of Christian doctrine, and they even revived the most poisonous elements of the primitive Bolshevism of Antiquity, which had been attenuated or held in abeyance by the established churches in the great days of Christendom. And today, professed atheists do not think it odd that, on all social questions, they are in substantial agreement with the howling dervishes and evangelical shamans who, subsidized with lavish publicity by the Organized Jewry who control the boob-tubes and other means of communication, greedily participate in the current drive to reduce Americans to total imbecility with every kind of irrational hoax.



-Revilo Oliver
