保守とリベラルは共産主義の2つの仮面である(Conservative and Liberal are 2 Masks of Communism)

by High Priest Mageson666

Conservates simply want to conserve how far ahead the jewish social/political[liberal] agenda was a decade ago where liberals want to keep chugging ahead.

保守派は単に、ユダヤ人の社会的/政治的 [リベラル]アジェンダが、10年前にリベラル派が先頭を走り続けたいと考えていた時代にどれだけ進んでいたかを保守したいだけなのだ。

So a conservate is simply a liberal who is dragging their feet and slow moving.


And a liberal is simply the gloss word for communist in mordern Western society. All communism ever is, was the jew took their liberal doctrine[which they destoryed France with in their revolution based on this red doctrine] and inserted it into a economic modality for the industrial era. Which they launched anew upon the world killing hundreds of millions.

そして、リベラルとは、現代の西側社会における共産主義者を指す言葉に過ぎない。これまでのすべての共産主義は、ユダヤ人が[この赤い教義に基づいた革命でフランスを破壊した]リベラルな教義を取り入れ、それを産業時代の経済様式に挿入したことです。 奴らは、何億もの人を殺している世界に新たに立ち上げました。

It should be noted the first communist uprising was in Paris France not Russia. France was a hotbed of jewish infestation. Jewamania was running wild, the Russians where smart and kept them in the pale as a quarantine measure for the safety of Gentiles. The one Czar who freed them and gave them civil rights, the jews repaided him by brutally murdering him. He was a fool and paid with his life for projecting his compassion onto that vile and murderous talmudic lot called the kike race. The frog and the scorpion tale in reality.



He found out the hardway why they where quarantined in the pale to start with.


Now the jew has taken this updated liberalism called communism and simply changed class to race and is pushing it today as Political Correctness ie cultural marxism. And the root of all this is xianity. Nietzsche was correct in stating “the liberal is the secular priest, the priest in disguise.”


So we have always been in a struggle against the same jewish paradigm which has several mutations like any virus.


In the future the only universal doctrine will be the supremacy of nature and it’s aristocratic principal.


– High Priest Mageson666
