
AI Questionerと英語の練習模様

ChatGPTをカスタマイズして、英語議論力育成GPT 「AI Questioner」を作成したことは以前触れた。ここでは、どんな議論を楽しめるか紹介したい。毎朝、こんな議論をAIとしてアドバイスをもらえるなら、少しは知的な英語を使えるようになるかもしれない。(今回はタイピングで対応。無論、話すことでも練習できる)


  1. Is it important for students to learn a second language?

  2. Should animals be used for scientific research?

  3. Do you think space exploration is worth the cost?

  4. Is it better to live in a city or in the countryside?

Please choose one question and respond in English.


I would like to discuss No. 2. Ideally, it would be far better to do scientific research without the use of animals. But animal testing works now since we do not have alternative methods that are effective for testing. Until alternative methods that are as (or more ) effective are born, we cannot do without the use of animals for scientific research.


That's a thoughtful perspective. Do you think there are ethical ways to conduct animal research, and if so, what guidelines should be in place to ensure the humane treatment of animals?

Enterprises should reveal what kind of and how many animals are used for their research every year. That will work to have them feel more responsible about using animals, and will be under pressure from the general public to develop alternative methods. That might also accelerate innovation.


That's an interesting point. How do you think the public can be educated about the necessity and ethics of animal research to better understand and support the push for alternative methods?
Use social media. SNS can be very effective to reach the public, especially younger generations.


(AI) That's a great suggestion. What types of content do you think would be most effective on social media to educate people about animal research and the development of alternative methods?
Use Manga or animation. Videos are too shocking to watch.


  1. Validity of the Argument (主張の妥当性):

    • Your argument was clear and well-reasoned. You acknowledged the current necessity of animal testing while advocating for transparency and the development of alternatives. This balanced view enhances the validity of your argument.

  2. Grammar (文法):

    • Your grammar is quite good, but here are a few corrections:

      • Original: "Enterprises should reveal what kind of and how many animals are used for their research every year."

        • Corrected: "Enterprises should reveal what kinds of animals and how many are used for their research every year."

      • Original: "That will work to have them feel more responsible about using animals, and will be under pressure from the general public to develop alternative methods."

        • Corrected: "This will make them feel more responsible for using animals and put them under pressure from the general public to develop alternative methods."

      • Original: "SNS can be very effective to reach the public, especially younger generations."

        • Corrected: "Social media can be very effective in reaching the public, especially younger generations."

  3. Vocabulary (語彙):

    • Your vocabulary use is appropriate for your level. However, here are a few suggestions:

      • Instead of "Enterprises," you could use "Companies" for more natural expression.

      • Replace "SNS" with "social media" for clarity, as SNS is not as commonly used in English.

  4. Naturalness of the Responses (自然さ):

    • Your responses were mostly natural. Here is a suggestion for improvement:

      • Original: "Videos are too shocking to watch."

        • Improved: "Videos can be too shocking to watch."

Sentence-by-Sentence Corrections:

  1. Original: "Enterprises should reveal what kind of and how many animals are used for their research every year."

    • Corrected: "Companies should reveal what kinds of animals and how many are used for their research every year."

  2. Original: "That will work to have them feel more responsible about using animals, and will be under pressure from the general public to develop alternative methods."

    • Corrected: "This will make them feel more responsible for using animals and put them under pressure from the general public to develop alternative methods. It might also accelerate innovation."

  3. Original: "SNS can be very effective to reach the public, especially younger generations."

    • Corrected: "Social media can be very effective in reaching the public, especially younger generations."

  4. Original: "Use Manga or animation. Videos are too shocking to watch."

    • Improved: "Use manga or animation. Videos can be too shocking to watch."


  1. 主張の妥当性を保ちつつ、もっと具体的な例や統計データを引用することで、説得力を増すことができます。

  2. 文法のミスを減らすために、文章をよく見直してみてください。

  3. 語彙を増やすために、英語のニュース記事や学術論文を読むと良いでしょう。

  4. 自然な表現を身につけるために、英語の会話やディベートの練習を続けてください。
