正規表現とは、特定の文字列のパターンを定義して、文字列の中からそのパターンに合った部分を探したり、置き換えたりできる便利な仕組みです。「Application.ScreenUpdating」 という機能を使って、処理中に画面がちらつかないようにしています。処理が終わるまでは画面を更新せず、最後に一気に更新するので、作業がスムーズに見えます。
For Eachというループを使って、選択されている複数のセルを一つずつチェックし、縦棒を黒星に変換しています。
エラーが出たときでも作業が止まらないように、*「On Error Resume Next」*というコマンドを使ってエラーを無視しています。
Sub スミカッコのなかにある縦棒だけ黒星に変換するよ()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim reg
Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") 'オブジェクト作成
Dim myRng As Range
Dim txt As String
Dim i As Long
With reg
.Pattern = "\|(?=.*】)"
.IgnoreCase = True
.Global = True
End With
On Error Resume Next
For Each myRng In Selection
txt = myRng.Value
txt = reg.Replace(txt, "★")
myRng.Value = txt
Next myRng
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
#excel #できること #vba #正規表現 #縦棒 #置換 #黒星 #条件付き検索 #文字列操作 #セル操作 #効率化 #プログラム #自動化 #データ処理 #エラーハンドリング #ループ #初心者向け #オブジェクト作成 #VBA学習 #文字変換
English Explanation
Sub ChangeVerticalBarToBlackStarInBrackets
This explanation is created with ChatGPT.
This procedure automatically changes any vertical bar "|" inside a set of square brackets to a black star "★", but only when the vertical bar is followed by a closing square bracket "】".
Key Points:
It uses regular expressions to find and replace specific patterns in text. Regular expressions allow you to define patterns that can search for specific sequences of characters, making it a powerful tool for text manipulation.
It temporarily disables screen updates using "Application.ScreenUpdating" to avoid screen flicker during processing. The updates are applied only when the entire process is complete.
It loops through the selected cells using a For Each loop, checking each cell one by one and replacing the vertical bar with a black star.
The command "On Error Resume Next" ensures that even if errors occur during the process, the macro continues running without interruption.
Flow of the Process:
The macro starts by pausing screen updates.
Then, it creates a regular expression object and sets a pattern that looks for a vertical bar "|" followed by a closing bracket "】".
It iterates through the selected cells, replacing any vertical bar that matches the pattern with a black star.
Finally, it re-enables screen updates once all cells have been processed.
In conclusion
This macro is useful for efficiently changing specific characters in large datasets based on certain conditions, helping to speed up your tasks.
#excel #vba #regexp #verticalbar #replacement #blackstar #conditionalsearch #textmanipulation #cellprocessing #automation #datahandling #errorhandling #looping #beginnerfriendly #objectcreation #VBALearning #characterconversion