



1. 動作の概要

  • Application.ScreenUpdating = False

  • For Each myRng In Selection

  • For i = 1 To Len(myRng)

  • myStr = Mid(myRng.Value, i, 3)

  • If myStr Like "未経験"

  • myRng.Characters(Start:=i, Length:=3).Font.ColorIndex = 3
    この部分で、「未経験」という文字の色を赤(ColorIndex = 3)に変更します。ここで、Start:=i は「未経験」が始まる場所を指し、Length:=3 はその長さを指定しています。

  • Application.ScreenUpdating = True

2. エラーハンドリング

  • On Error Resume Next


#excel #できること #vba #文字色変更 #未経験 #セル操作 #選択範囲 #エクセルマクロ #文字列検索 #色変更 #自動化 #画面更新停止解除 #条件指定 #プログラミング初心者 #セル操作 #データ整理 #高速処理 #エラーハンドリング #初心者向けVBA #赤字変更


Highlight "未経験" in Red

This explanation was created using ChatGPT.

The VBA procedure "Highlight '未経験' in Red" is designed to find the phrase "未経験" (which means "inexperienced" in Japanese) within the selected cells in an Excel worksheet and change the color of only that phrase to red. Even if you are only familiar with basic PC operations, you can understand how this program works.

1. How it works

  • Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    This temporarily stops screen updating to make the process faster and prevent flickering during execution.

  • For Each myRng In Selection
    This line goes through each cell in the currently selected range (Selection) one by one (stored in the variable myRng).

  • For i = 1 To Len(myRng)
    This checks each character in the cell individually. Len(myRng) returns the total number of characters in the cell.

  • myStr = Mid(myRng.Value, i, 3)
    This line extracts a substring of 3 characters starting from the current position in the cell’s text, and stores it in the variable myStr.

  • If myStr Like "未経験"
    If the substring matches "未経験," the following actions are triggered.

  • myRng.Characters(Start:=i, Length:=3).Font.ColorIndex = 3
    This changes the font color of the "未経験" text to red (ColorIndex = 3). Start:=i specifies where "未経験" starts, and Length:=3 indicates that it spans three characters.

  • Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Finally, this turns screen updating back on, reflecting the changes visually.

2. Error Handling

  • On Error Resume Next
    This ensures that the process continues even if an error occurs, such as when a cell is empty, without stopping the program.

This procedure is a simple VBA code that searches for the string "未経験" within the selected range and changes it to red. It’s useful when you want to efficiently organize data in Excel!

#excel #whatyoucando #vba #textcolorchange #inexperienced #celloperations #selectedrange #excelmacro #textsearch #colorchange #automation #screenupdatecontrol #conditionalformatting #beginnerprogramming #celloperations #dataorganization #fastprocessing #errorhandling #beginnerfriendlyvba #highlightinred
